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There are [0] photos and [14] stories tagged with "bicycling".

Relaxin' and reviewin'

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 17 Feb 2012 | Views [1211]

With a flight, a few weeks, and a few too many beers between the end of the bike ride and now, it's time to sum up all that was. I wish I could do it in a pithy statement or something for people ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, relaxing

If only I ended every day in a brewery.

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 29 Jan 2012 | Views [1519] | Comments [2]

The grass always seems greener; once you've eaten it. Since arriving in Melbourne, I look back on the adventure with more sadness than relief. A week ago I was nearly incapacitated with regret for not having a normal holiday ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, destination, friends, on the road

Touring the way it should be

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 23 Jan 2012 | Views [1528] | Comments [3]

Having a rest day is never a bad thing, especially when it's time spent screwing your tormentor. That has to be the sauciest start to one of my blogs ever, but unfortunately I can't say that I got laid by Lady Luck. Sure, she's fucked me over quite ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, family, on the road, repairs

Pedalling to paradise in a padded cell.

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 17 Jan 2012 | Views [3162] | Comments [2]

I have never been so mistaken before in my life. Even the complete backfiring of my best efforts to be cool in High School do not come close to so utterly misreading a situation. From the position of the previous journal, I had every right to think ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, dummy spits, homicidal tendancies, misfortune, profanity

Is it a long, hard road out of hell?

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 16 Jan 2012 | Views [1529] | Comments [1]

This adventure has had its fair share of unique experiences and I savour each new one that justifies all the hard work. There's plenty of easy work that doesn't justify anything, but nonetheless, I give thanks for that ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, coffee, people

Swept along on a bike and a prayer.

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 15 Jan 2012 | Views [1408]

Eden is a lovely town, but not quite in the same league as its biblical counterpart. Quaint little shops, a long history stretching back to early settlement days and 360 degree views. That last fact was due to its location ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, misfortune, on the road

Dragging an anchor proves I drag my knuckles.

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 12 Jan 2012 | Views [1358]

The following is an account so embarrassing, I would be better served by keeping it to myself had I not already shown how much delight I take in ridiculing myself. This was not a case of factory line idiocy. This was customised cretinism so creative it ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, misfortune

Making the most of caffeine and arrival euphoria

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012 | Views [1977] | Comments [1]

Ulladulla is a town built on so many hills, I expected all its inhabitants to have calves of granite. Nope! Most people are fat, like all towns in the western world. That's an easy criticism to make for someone who looks ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, bicycling, misfortune

Fine-tuning my assault on hills.

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 9 Jan 2012 | Views [1875]

Eeyore would say it was the surging traffic, or his own smell that had woken him up. This positive power trooper will say that it was the excitement of another day on the road. Oh, how I love a challenge and I knew there were loads of it ahead. I had ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, friends, partying

So close to finishing one month early.

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 25 Dec 2011 | Views [2743] | Comments [2]

It's days like these I don't question my sanity; I fear for it. I question my dedication when even the air I breath conspires against me. I wonder how much more I would be enjoying myself if I was laying on a beach somewhere in Asia, far removed from ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, ferries, misadventures, on the road

Back roads are not always the best option

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 23 Dec 2011 | Views [2666]

Outside my tent I could hear the waves breaking so softly they sounded more like paper plates dropping, than fine China. I could see the sun shining through the clouds frequently enough to convince me Lady Luck was having a sleep in. Fearing she'd wake ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, friends, misadventure, on the road

I'm not loose, but my wheel is.

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 20 Dec 2011 | Views [1356] | Comments [1]

As the rain fell on my tent during the course of the night, I silently cursed the fact it hadn't come any sooner. What, you may ask, could prompt such a reversal of opinion in relation to something that is as ruinous to bike riding as the absence of swell ... Read more >

Tags: beach, bicycling, weather

The light goes on in Grassy Head

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 20 Dec 2011 | Views [1588]

It's good to be able to call the shots, because you're THE man when it comes to making decisions. It's great not having to rush, as speed and relaxation cancel each other out like Lanacane and rain. But the best thing is to see the sun shine. Talk about ... Read more >

Tags: beach, bicycling, weather

No longer for the fun of it

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 26 Nov 2011 | Views [975]

So this is what an average ride has been like during my preparation for my upcoming epico-colossusaurus adventure. I made that word up if you didn't realise, and the use of the word 'average' is anything but appropriate ... Read more >

Tags: bicycling, preparation, sport

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