Hello everyone!
Before I get down to business I would just like to congratulate everyone on their efforts when commenting for the last journal. You all put in a special effort. I would like to thank the regulars who raised the bar for quality comments ( mum, helen, eb, simon, mel, tim) I would like to thank those who have not commented before (or much) Mrs James, Belinda, Megan, Dan and the person who I dont know. I am glad that you like the journal and I thank you for taking the time to write). Kylie, I have put you in the moderate user category. It was lovely to hear from you. Good luck with your new job.
Now it is time for the hall of shame... Brenton was particularly conspicuous in his absence. He is just lucky that he s starting a new job and planning a wedding or else I would have been cross.
Okey dokey! On several occasions I have asked people what is happening in Perth. The reply is always, 'Oh nothing. Perth is just the same as always'. When the PREMIER suffers a severe bout of DEPRESSION and QUITS that is not nothing. I would like to wish Dr. Geoff a speedy recovery.
I have quite a lot to write. Particularly as I had not written for a while. On saturday night I went to Toronto with a group of Jane Anns friends. we were going to go ice skating there but when we arrived there were CROWDS of people all around and music and all sorts of noise. As we went closer we became aware that it was the beginning of the Toronto winter festival. All thoughts of ice skating fell from my mind and I spent the evening investigating all of the things the festival had to offer. I saw a mixture of fireworks and people performing/dancing with fire. They were all standing on a ligthouse holding umbrellas and then all of a sudden sparks would shoot out of the top of the umbrella. It was AWESOME! There was also a bar that was made entirely of ice. The tables chairs and bar was ice and there was also ice goblets and plates floating around (Most of these were broken by the time I got in. There were also big fancy ice sculptures. The highlight of the evening though was where a manufacturer of cough syrup was recording peoples expressions as they tried the syrup. Their slogan is "It tastes awful and it works" All of the pictures will go on the internet and the one who gets the most votes will be in a commercial. I did that. I got a free spoon.
On Suday we went to the Ontarion Science Centre. It was PACKED. There was a line up in the street to get in to the parking lot! It was so busy because they had a display of a whole bunch of plastinated bodies. All of the bodies were presented differently and it was super cool. They even had a plasinated camel and all of the blood vessels and nothing else of a chicken and a few other animals. We din't see much of the centre cos we only had 1 1/2 hours after we saw the bodies and it is a BIG centre.
I also started work this week. Monday was orientation. We watched video after video about everything from the business to knife safety. It was a little dull, but at least we could just sit there. On tuesday and Wednesday I was 7-4. Starting at 7 means I need to leave my house at 5.40AM. Finishing at 4 means I get home at 6. It is a very manual job. I am always doing something. I am always putting stock up whick is less boring than cash but more physically demanding. It is very little money though and I am a bit concerned it will not be enough for me to live on. I may keep looking. Minimum wage here is really low.
Ok. Hope everyone is super great. Have a reallly good week. Byee