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There are [331] photos and [16] stories about Italy

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Old Towns and Islands

Thursday, 28 Apr 2011 | Views [627]

Croatia! We arrived just after 7am and I was met at the terminal by the lovely hostel owner from the Dubrovnic Backpackers Club . On the way to the hostel he stopped at the ATM for me and even gave me a little tour of the town on the way to the Lapad ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, dubrovnic, kayaking, lapad, lopud, old town, sipan

Escape from Bari

Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011 | Views [784]

On our second last day in Bari the three of us caught the train to Castellana, where we toured the “Grotte de Castellana": one of the most famous cave systems in Italy with a 3km walk to the “White Cave”, the whitest limestone cave in the world ... Read more >

Tags: bari, ferry, grotte de castellana, limestone caves, limoncello

Photos: Bagging Bari

Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Bari is not exciting enough to spend 4 days in, but that's what I did waiting for the next ferry to Croatia
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Bagging Bari

Saturday, 23 Apr 2011 | Views [760]

I spent the morning at the Archeological Museum in Naples and discovered where most of the Pompeii murals, paintings & pottery were now situated. This included the “secret room” of old-age porn from the brothels, which you had to be over 16 to ... Read more >

Tags: bari, bus, naples museum, pizza, saint nicholas, santa claus

Photos: Volcanoes & Beaches

Thursday, 21 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Scaling Mount Vesuvius and sunbathing in Sorrento - all in a day (or two's) work!
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Volcanoes & Beaches

Thursday, 21 Apr 2011 | Views [491]

After a late night skyping home it was difficult to drag myself out of bed at 7am in order to catch the train to Ercolano, but I managed to do it as I was excited to visit my next site – Vesuvius! In the end I found I hadn’t needed to rush after all ... Read more >

Tags: beach, sorrento, vesuvius, volcano

Photos: Capering about Capri

Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Exploring Capri Island off the coast of Naples
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Capering about Capri

Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011 | Views [393]

In order to catch the very cheap ferry to Capri this morning I had to get up early once again (6am!) and almost missed it as I had trouble finding the terminal, which is a car ferry port hidden away behind some big dock buildings and with very little ... Read more >

Tags: anacapri, blue grotto, capri, church of where the wild things are

Photos: Naples & Pompeii

Monday, 18 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

From the dirty streets of Naples to the buried streets of Pompeii
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St Peters and Pompeii

Monday, 18 Apr 2011 | Views [533]

Determined to see St Peters & climb the dome before leaving Rome, I rose early and headed back to the Vatican for the third time. It was totally worth the effort. I joined the line that had already formed just before 8am to scale the 600 stairs to ... Read more >

Tags: castel dell ovo, naples, pompeii, st peters basilica, volcano

More Roman adventures

Saturday, 16 Apr 2011 | Views [696]

A slightly later start saw us having breakfast in the park of Colle Oppio, which overlooks the Colosseum, where we watched an impressive dogfight between the mutts being walked in a group. Ben & I pretended not to be vets. We then headed to “Santa ... Read more >

Tags: michaelangelo, palm sunday, piazza del popolo, pope, santa maria maggiore, spanish steps, st peters basilca, st pietro di vincoli, vatican

Photos: Romans, ruins and gelatos

Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Rome! Needs no description
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Romans, Ruins and Gelatos

Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011 | Views [483]

I awoke to cloudless blue skies with the promise of an excellent day’s walking. Unfortunately I had to leave Riomaggiore and spend 5 hours on the train to Rome, where I was meeting a couple of Uni mates for four days of culture, pizza and gelatos.... Read more >

Tags: colosseum, lasagne, rome, trevi fountain, vatican

Walking the Terraces

Monday, 11 Apr 2011 | Views [687]

I rose early to catch the local train to Monterossa, the northern-most town in the chain of villages where I was planning on starting my walk back down to Riomaggiore. There was a sign up saying something about the trail being closed, but the actual ... Read more >

Tags: cinque terre, unesco heritage site, villages

Photos: Walking the Terraces

Sunday, 10 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

A pit-stop in Genoa followed by 2 great days in the Cinque Terre National Park walking through cliff-top villages
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