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Trip: Exploring Egypt

There are [21] stories from my trip: Exploring Egypt

Photos: Nuweiba beach

EGYPT | Friday, 2 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Laying on the beach and chasing fish
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Fish and farewells

EGYPT | Friday, 2 Jul 2010 | Views [788]

Another first today – scuba diving! The Americans took a private car to Sharm El Shiekh, where they went snorkeling and hung out at the hotel/resort, the Aussie girls chilled out on the beach, and Shaun and I headed over to the scuba spot ... Read more >

Tags: cairo, coral, nuweiba, scuba diving

St Catherine's monastery and Nuweiba Beach camp

EGYPT | Thursday, 1 Jul 2010 | Views [2397]

The following morning we walked back to St Catherine’s monastery, where we spent an hour or so exploring. St Catherine was martyred for her beliefs, in the process converting many people to Christ, and it is said that her body was found intact at the ... Read more >

Tags: beach camp, nuweiba, red sea, st catherines monastery

Photos: Mount Sinai and St Catherine

EGYPT | Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Climbing the legendary mountain and exploring St Catherine's monastery
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Climbing Mount Sinai

EGYPT | Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010 | Views [1222]

Another 4:30am start for a loooong bus-drive through rocky desert and roads filled with checkpoints guarded by heavily-armed soldiers. I tried to stay awake to take in the scenery but was soon lulled to sleep by the never-ending scrub, ... Read more >

Tags: mount sinai, sunset

Churches, synagogues and mosques

EGYPT | Tuesday, 29 Jun 2010 | Views [822]

We arrived at the hotel around half 6 and the girls all passed out in our day-use room, while I fought sleep with a book. Later that morning we met our new guide, Hent, who showed us around Islamic Cairo, Christian Coptic Cairo and the Khan al-Khalili ... Read more >

Tags: bazaare, church, coptic cairo, mosque

Photos: Karnak Temple & Cairo

EGYPT | Monday, 28 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Another temple and then back to Cairo to visit churches, synagogues, mosques and the biggest market in Egypt
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Karnak Temple and Animal Care Project

EGYPT | Monday, 28 Jun 2010 | Views [797]

Another day in Luxor saw us visiting the Karnak Temple where we met our guide, Ahmed, who was to show us around the conglomeration of a temple built by several Pharaohs, each of whom added their own style over the years. He ... Read more >

Tags: animal care project, karnak temple, train

Photos: Luxor madness

EGYPT | Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Hot air ballooning, riding donkeys and exploring Dier el-Bahri temple - all in a day's "work"
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Balloons, donkeys and more temples

EGYPT | Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Views [1143]

We started VERY early with a wake-up call at 4:15AM. I dragged myself out of bed and staggered blindly down to the lobby to meet Shaun, Sam, Aly & Jackie in catching a bus to the ferry across the river where we would be going for a ride in a ... Read more >

Tags: donkey, heiroglyphics, hot air balloon, ramses, statues, tutankhamen, valley of the kings, valley of the queens

Edfu temple & Luxor

EGYPT | Friday, 25 Jun 2010 | Views [598]

After a short sleep during which I woke up scratching my arm from “something” biting me, we had another massive breakfast before saying goodbye to the friendly family and heading back to the felucca. Before leaving, Aly & Jackie ... Read more >

Tags: edfu temple, felucca, horus, luxor, snacktime

Photos: Edfu temple & Luxor

EGYPT | Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

Exploring Edfu temple on the way to Luxor, relaxing by a SWIMMING POOL!
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A felucca, a village & a wedding

EGYPT | Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 | Views [739]

After a late start we caught our felucca for the next stage of our adventure. This single triangular sail flat decked boat was to be our home & transport for the next two days. We were pleasantly surprised to see how large it was, with soft mattress ... Read more >

Tags: felucca, nile, nubian wedding, sailing

Photos: Abu Simbel

EGYPT | Wednesday, 23 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

The long bus ride rewarded by visiting the amazing temple of Abu Simbel
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Abu Simbel

EGYPT | Wednesday, 23 Jun 2010 | Views [739]

The alarm went off at 3am, scaring the wits out of me, and we soon staggered downstairs to catch our bus to Abu Simbel. The bus-driver then spent bout an hour driving in circles picking people up – I think we passed our hotel twice! We ... Read more >

Tags: abu simbel, convoy, football, temple

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