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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "nuweiba".

Fish and farewells

EGYPT | Friday, 2 Jul 2010 | Views [788]

Another first today – scuba diving! The Americans took a private car to Sharm El Shiekh, where they went snorkeling and hung out at the hotel/resort, the Aussie girls chilled out on the beach, and Shaun and I headed over to the scuba spot ... Read more >

Tags: cairo, coral, nuweiba, scuba diving

St Catherine's monastery and Nuweiba Beach camp

EGYPT | Thursday, 1 Jul 2010 | Views [2397]

The following morning we walked back to St Catherine’s monastery, where we spent an hour or so exploring. St Catherine was martyred for her beliefs, in the process converting many people to Christ, and it is said that her body was found intact at the ... Read more >

Tags: beach camp, nuweiba, red sea, st catherines monastery

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