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Adventures of a short vet


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "cycling".

Warsaw Rising

POLAND | Monday, 30 May 2011 | Views [590]

A four hour train trip in which I slept most of the way took me to Warsaw where I managed to bungle my way to Oki Doki Hostel with the aid of a googlemap photo on my camera. The huge glaring sign on the side of the building helped me find it.... Read more >

Tags: cycling, marie curie, night bus, peacocks, warsaw rising museum

Old Towns and Islands

ITALY | Thursday, 28 Apr 2011 | Views [627]

Croatia! We arrived just after 7am and I was met at the terminal by the lovely hostel owner from the Dubrovnic Backpackers Club . On the way to the hostel he stopped at the ATM for me and even gave me a little tour of the town on the way to the Lapad ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, dubrovnic, kayaking, lapad, lopud, old town, sipan

Arriving in Amsterdam

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 21 May 2010 | Views [809]

I managed to wrangle a three-day weekend and drove over to Kent where I joined a couple of mates from Uni, Ben & Han, for an short road trip to Amsterdam. We left at some ridiculous hour on Friday morning to catch the train through the Eurotunnel.... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, cycling, red light district

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