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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "bus".

Summer in Vilnius

LITHUANIA | Thursday, 2 Jun 2011 | Views [444]

The bus trip itself was fine, except for the horrible chemical toilet smell that permeated through the interior, but the highway was in terrible condition and I awoke several times thinking we were swerving off the road to our deaths whenever ... Read more >

Tags: bus, castle, hippies, hostelgate, kgb museum, trakai, uzupis

Bagging Bari

ITALY | Saturday, 23 Apr 2011 | Views [760]

I spent the morning at the Archeological Museum in Naples and discovered where most of the Pompeii murals, paintings & pottery were now situated. This included the “secret room” of old-age porn from the brothels, which you had to be over 16 to ... Read more >

Tags: bari, bus, naples museum, pizza, saint nicholas, santa claus

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