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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "volcano".

Volcanoes & Beaches

ITALY | Thursday, 21 Apr 2011 | Views [491]

After a late night skyping home it was difficult to drag myself out of bed at 7am in order to catch the train to Ercolano, but I managed to do it as I was excited to visit my next site – Vesuvius! In the end I found I hadn’t needed to rush after all ... Read more >

Tags: beach, sorrento, vesuvius, volcano

St Peters and Pompeii

ITALY | Monday, 18 Apr 2011 | Views [534]

Determined to see St Peters & climb the dome before leaving Rome, I rose early and headed back to the Vatican for the third time. It was totally worth the effort. I joined the line that had already formed just before 8am to scale the 600 stairs to ... Read more >

Tags: castel dell ovo, naples, pompeii, st peters basilica, volcano

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