Our trip has started! Since we left the plane yesterday, I have had many memories come to mind from my first trip to Spain. Small memories from the airport, El Palacio Real, back streets here and there, El Plaza Mayor, even the women and their facial features remind me of Dr. DeGregorio, one of my main professors in college. As we passed through the Plaza Mayor saw some bums laying in the middle by the statue, we thought ¨that is what we are going to be donig in a few weeks...¨ From the Plaza I could recall where the oldest restaurant in the world was (so they claim,) it is from 1725. It´s called La Casa Botin and they claim to be in the Guinness book of world records. It´s really a cool building they front is all wood, carved and polished... I assume that it has been replaced over the years but can imagine how it looked when it was first ¨opened.¨
So one of the guys that came on the trip with us, Chris Thomas, (not the one from Central...) just proposed to his girlfriend... Morgan Beggs, Renee Begss´ daughter... pretty exciting, maybe I´ll write more later, however in the aspect of time and needing to email my mother who is probably worried about me (sorry mom) I should probably send her an email. I´ll write more in a few days and poost more pictures...