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TW(&W)M - 3 - Where it all started

INDIA | Wednesday, 20 January 2016 | Views [386]

Waking up this morning I was left with a choice whether to stay another day on the hilltop and maybe make my way to Gyalshing the following day for the weekend market or to head on for Yoksum to be reunited with my bag and possibly with Mafa. Consulting my oracle, a small doll I had made on the River of Soul Course, I decided to pack up and head on to Yoksum.

This was not without some concern as Mafa had texted to say the climbs there were steep and advised I should take a car and no car was forthcoming. Armed, however, with a map drawn by Michael, a German staying longer term at the homestead, and his advice to take the road to Yuxom when I reached it rather than trying any short cut, I set off past the Gompa and the football pitch on the path leading down the mountaing. 

Thankfully Michael's instructions were excellent and my improved ability to follow such things a help also. My only regret was that I had not asked for more detailed instructions. For example, what did the rock look like where I had to turn right? There were plenty of rocks lying around.

ANYWAY, successfully follow the instructions I did, reach the road I did, bought ten rupees worth of sweets I did (minus one given to the vendors small son) and munch my way up the 8 kilometers of road to Yuxom I did (a km is longer than I thought btw), stopping at Red Panda to pick up my bag before proceeding to Limboo Homestay where I was very happy to be shown a comfortable room, assured of hot water PLUS hot water bottle and hot water to go to bed with (the last in a thermos and an idea I shall bring back with me to England). I also learned, happily, that Mafa had not gone on ahead and was still staying at the homestead.

Leaving my recently retrieved bag and on the instruction of Red Panda I made the short walk to the Coronation Point, the place in 1641 (I believe) where the first Chogyal or King of Sikkim was crowned the secular and spiritual leader of Sikkim by three lamas from Tibet. I bought a ticket from three grubby and delightful children in a ticket booth/ sweet shop by the main gate and made my way into the Coronation area where I walked slowly and sat for a while enjoying it's atmosphere of peace, the flowers, stupas and, of course, prayer flags fluttering in the breeze.

From there I made my way to a gompa down the hill and on the way down bumped into Mafa and a dutch guy called Julian. Hand shaken and Mafa warmly embraced, I left them to their explorations and made my way to the shops to change some money and then to my room to shower and change after 4 days with limited wardrobe on a hilltop. 

The evening I spent very pleasantly with Mafa and Julian talking and smoking before retiring for a very good night's sleep populated by numerous dreams.

Tags: hills, walking

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