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Wanders of the World

Trip: Chile

There are [7] stories from my trip: Chile

Live and Learn

CHILE | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [772]

Amy:   So two Canadians walk into a small restaurant in the Chilean town of Punta Arenas thinking they know exactly what they want and how to order it.   When they are greeted by the hostess they confidently say they want the “completo” which is a ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

A little piece of heaven

ARGENTINA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [729] | Comments [3]

Amy:  We survived our first self-organzied bus trip today. We traveled 6 hrs from Puerta Varas to Bariloche, Argentina.  The border crossings out of Chile and into Argentina were organized by a guy from the bus company so they went very smoothly.  It ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors


CHILE | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [616] | Comments [1]

Amy:   The canyoning adventure that we went on in Pucon was very fun.   We did 3 self repels through waterfalls one of which was a 15  meter drop.   We also had the opportunity to scramble through a narrow slot that we were told was formed by the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Chile

CHILE | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 42 photos >>

Prepping for Patagonia

CHILE | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [626] | Comments [1]

Patti:  We are now in Puerto Varas which is basically the gateway to Patagonia. It is located on a beautiful lake which is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes. We ended our travels with Pachamama yesterday so from here on in we are on our own. Salmon ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

chillin in Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [732] | Comments [2]

Amy:    I am surprised that a week has gone by already.   Since Patti’s last entry we hopped on the Pachamama (or the hoochi mama as I like to call it ) bus and got out of   Santiago.   Our first stop was a surfing town called Pichilemu.   We ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Travel Begins Again

CHILE | Sunday, 27 Jan 2008 | Views [675] | Comments [1]

Patti: So we made it to Santiago, Chile safe and sound with only one minor glitch. Our connecting flight in Chicago from Winnipeg to Miami was delayed by about 4 hours so instead of arriving at 11:00 pm, we arrived at 3:00 am very tired. The hotel shuttle ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase