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Journeys.... Let's explore the world by foot and take the highest road that has the most potholes...

Day 3 - Stonethwaite to Grasmere

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 3 Sep 2010 | Views [760]

This day was only 9 miles, but started with quite a climb out of Stonethwaite, over the pass to Grasmere.  We saw some beautiful vistas, but saw our first major boggy areas.  It reminded us of Hound of the Baskervilles, where the bad guy knew just where ... Read more >

Day 2 - Ennerdale Bridge to Stonethwaite

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 | Views [526] | Comments [1]

Big day planned at 15.5 miles, and it turned out to be just that almost exactly.  We took a packed lunch from the farm B&B and set out at about 8:15.  The map said that the first few miles would be on level terrain along Enneradale Water, but it ... Read more >

Day 1 - St Bees to Ennerdale Bridge

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 1 Sep 2010 | Views [553]

We took a bit of a shortcut this day because we weren't real sure about legs and ankles and such (But have no fear, we are going to walk every step ocean to ocean!).  Smooth walking from St Bees, and some great views back to the Irish Sea as we began ... Read more >

Day 0 - Arrival at St Bees

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 31 Aug 2010 | Views [544] | Comments [2]

Uneventful flight to Heathrow, then a one-way car rental to Carlisle.  From there, a 1-hour taxi ride to St Bees.  Sounds cumbersome, but it was the cheapest and fastest way to get from London to St Bees. We walked to the beach on the evening of our ... Read more >

What's this?

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 9 Jul 2009 | Views [467] | Comments [4]

Scottish Lochs, Castles, and Whiskey

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 9 Jul 2009 | Views [574] | Comments [2]

Spent night at B&B on scenic Loch Lomond.   Day hike along loch, beautiful.   Visit to “Wool Center” where all things woolen to be had.   Stephen Fail Event:   Tried on a kilt and was very pointedly informed by local mother and daughter when ... Read more >

Scotland, or Tattties, Haggis, and Neeps

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 6 Jul 2009 | Views [766] | Comments [4]

We left Edinburgh airport, following the on-time, seamless arrival of the Ashland Jensens, in a foggy drizzle…but why not?   It’s Scotland!   And headed straight for the place where our superior knowledge of all things Catholic, Magdalene, Knights ... Read more >

England day 3

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 27 Jun 2009 | Views [523] | Comments [3]

We had a good day today.  Left the b&B around 8:30 am for a walk along the coast, Craster to Dunstanburgh Castle.  It was a beautiful ruin of a castle which you could still walk around and see all of the bits and pieces.  We looked around there for ... Read more >

Our first two days in Scotland / England

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 26 Jun 2009 | Views [542] | Comments [3]

We left for the airport at 4:15 am!!   We were all pretty perky, looking forward to our flights…westward.   Vinnie was the least perky as he thought getting to the airport 21/2 hours before our flight was overkill.   He was probably right…but don’t ... Read more >

Last three days with Bernie...

GERMANY | Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Views [503] | Comments [1]

Last day in Italy was at Lake Maggiore.   In retrospect, it was a beautiful place and we could have scheduled at least a few days of sight seeing there…oh well!   Instead we arrived late afternoon and checked into our “below” standard hotel.   It ... Read more >

Italy, Here We Come!

ITALY | Friday, 19 Jun 2009 | Views [880] | Comments [7]

We blew back across Hungary in one day, spent a night in Graz, Austria, then pushed down South to spend four days in Padua, Italy.  The first afternoon we explored Padua on foot, and had our first exciting restaurant episode in Italy:  Anita expected ... Read more >

Seven days in Romania

ROMANIA | Saturday, 13 Jun 2009 | Views [2513] | Comments [4]

We saw Philip off to the airport shuttle at 5:30 Saturday morning from the hotel in Budapest, then went back to bed for an hour (after weeping….).   After a short walk to visit St. Stephen’s church in downtown Budapest, we recovered our car from ... Read more >

Life in the Big City of Budapest

HUNGARY | Friday, 5 Jun 2009 | Views [962] | Comments [2]

Entering Hungary… At the border, a police (Austrian) check point waved us over (those darn French license plates!) but it was just a passport check.   He wanted to continue through the parking lot without stopping but P, B and A insisted he stop. ... Read more >

Graz and area

AUSTRIA | Tuesday, 2 Jun 2009 | Views [627] | Comments [2]

Our last full day in Vienna was rainy and cold.   We attempted to walk to an open air market but lost our way so instead stopped for coffee and sweets,   a favorite pastime of ours here (coffee and pastries…not getting lost)!   After the rain finished ... Read more >


AUSTRIA | Saturday, 30 May 2009 | Views [652] | Comments [2]

Left the Salzkamergut, driving through alpine river gorges...up over the top at Simmering Pass and down into the Danube plain...Vienna, Vinnie at the wheel, into the heart into the RingStrasse...stunning Old World architure everywhere...bus tour to get ... Read more >

Gallery: Eastern Europe

AUSTRIA | Wednesday, 27 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 243 photos >>

Four travelers into Austria

AUSTRIA | Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Views [930] | Comments [7]

The travelers have all hooked up successfully.   Bernie and Philip – SFO to Munich; Vinnie and Anita – Copenhagen to Munich.   V&A got our rental car – a Peugeot 308 SW – very comfy and good for luggage.   Vinnie was pulled over by a German polizei ... Read more >

Copenhagen the second time around...

DENMARK | Sunday, 24 May 2009 | Views [553]

Had a wonderful day touring Copenhagen.  Hit all the places that we missed the first time.  Got off of the boat around 8 am, hit the hotel around 8:30, waited for the rain to stop, 11 am.  We wandered around downtown, went back to the castle/palace that ... Read more >

What's Going on Here?

SWEDEN | Saturday, 23 May 2009 | Views [927] | Comments [14]


SWEDEN | Thursday, 21 May 2009 | Views [644] | Comments [3]

Although similar to Copenhagen, Rotterdam, and Helsinki (high prices, canals and wharfs penetrating into city streets, clean), we thought Stockholm was the nicest of the northern cities we visited.   It has an atmosphere of greater antiquity (Rotterdam ... Read more >

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