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Péripéties d'un ours en Asie Hi, for people who don t speak french: have a look on my pictures just below. =)

About angeours

In the year 2003, I decided to make a tour of the world. Not very original, but I needed to escape my brain in other countries, in other minding. So I started to think about that. I'm physiotherapist and each day, I told myself "I could learn many things in Asia for my work..." and, gradually, I thougt only about Asia, the rest of the world dismissed of my mind. Now, in october 2008, I'll start a tour of Asia, to learn all what I can...
Then,now it's sure I'm going to Asia, I said me often that I will certainly have time to visit Oceania, Australia, Canada and the rest of the world... ;)

My Travel Map:
