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Lucille's Adventures in Peru Av. Fatima 820, #703, Trujillo, Peru --- www.perumission.org --- "Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings


There are [779] photos and [74] stories about Peru

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Change is in the Air

Wednesday, 23 Jun 2010 | Views [502]

Well, change is inevitable.  Just like the changes out at Wichanzao in this picture, there is always going to be change.  It is true.  Right now there are so many changes in my life, I do not know if I even recognize it anymore!  So, with those changes, ... Read more >

Feliz Día de Mama

Sunday, 9 May 2010 | Views [442]

Happy Mother's Day!  I am so blessed to have a mother who loves me, cares for me, and is a Christian.  What a blessing from the Lord.  Thanks mama for being you!  I love you dearly!  And my two sisters are both moms also.  Happy Mother's Day Melissa ... Read more >

525,600 Mintues. How do you measure a year in the life?

Saturday, 17 Apr 2010 | Views [552] | Comments [3]

“525,600 minutes.   How do you measure a year in the life?   How about love?”     This is the question some bohemian artists struggling to make it in New York ask themselves in the 1996 Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway ... Read more >

New Church Plant

Tuesday, 2 Mar 2010 | Views [465] | Comments [1]

We have started a new church plant here in Trujillo!  This is an exciting time for the mission.  Trujillo is a city of 1 million people and many universities.  We have felt the call to have a "downtown" church and had hoped one of the existing ... Read more >

Sunday is a Great Day

Friday, 26 Feb 2010 | Views [408]

I love Sundays here.  Our routine right now includes mission lunches on Sunday.  All the families and all the interns gather together and we share a meal and then worship in English.  We sing hymns, share prayer requests and prayer together in our native ... Read more >

A Farewell to Terri

Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 | Views [399] | Comments [1]

We had another intern head home.  Terri Attardo worked with us for almost 6 months in the clinic.  She was such a great help and such fun to be around!  Terri is from Connecticut and we had fun figuring out that she lives in a town that my sister, ... Read more >

Thanks IPC!

Thursday, 18 Feb 2010 | Views [448]

“Thank you for coming!   May God bless you!”   This was the greeting as patients began to see the doctors, dentists, nurses, and other persons that came to minister to their physical needs here in Trujillo.   The gratitude was palpable.   ... Read more >

Twin Lakes in Peru 2010

Monday, 18 Jan 2010 | Views [458]

It was a week full of smiles, laughter, singing, and sharing the love of God!   What a blessing and special time for us here in Peru.   January 4 to 7, 2010, Twin Lakes and First Presbyterian Church of Jackson sent a team to Trujillo and for ... Read more >

Photos: Short Term Trips 2010

Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

Teams that visited Peru during 2010
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A Quick Update

Monday, 4 Jan 2010 | Views [455] | Comments [2]

Well, another year has passed and it has been quite a year.  A lot of changes for me and lots of blessings.  I need to write more about that, but at a later time.  For now, we are off and running in 2010.  But not until after we bid farewell to 2009 ... Read more >


Thursday, 17 Dec 2009 | Views [454]

Tis the season to be jolly, fa, la, la, la, la, . . .    Well, it is the season to be jolly and we have enjoyed some fun times here at Peru Mission as we celebrate the advent season.   First, we had a PM Christmas Party.   The Smiths and Bakers ... Read more >

Hmmm, where to buy Christmas lights?

Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009 | Views [426]

Christmas time . . . just say those 2 words and everyone can conjure up memories of family, friends and traditions.   As December 25 draws nigh, we enjoy festivities, anticipation of celebrations, homecomings, and much more.   This year, I will ... Read more >

Give Thanks

Wednesday, 2 Dec 2009 | Views [480]

Okay, does this picture not make you smile?  It does me.  And I have a lot to smile about and be thankful for this year!  It has been an eventful, hard, challenging, exciting, joyful and adventurous year!  My life is rarely dull and I am so thankful ... Read more >

Peru Mission Finds a New Home

Saturday, 17 Oct 2009 | Views [489]

A lot is happening here in Trujillo and we are so excited about all of the positive changes the Lord is doing to help us be more effective here in Peru!   Brad Ball has been named the new Executive Director for Christian Missionary Society.   ... Read more >

Peruvian Sprinkler System

Wednesday, 7 Oct 2009 | Views [390]

Peruvians are very poor, but they are also very smart.   Most anything can be fixed over here where at home, we would throw it away broken.   They make do out of very little and do very well.   They take care of their things that we may consider ... Read more >

Soo-E, Soo-E, Soo-E

Friday, 25 Sep 2009 | Views [454]

Microbus, la combi, el autobus . . . it takes on many names, but it is just a van or small bus that drives a route around the city.   You get on and off wherever you like.   You pay different amounts depending on the city and routes, but it ... Read more >

A Lord's Day in Trujillo

Sunday, 23 Aug 2009 | Views [406]

What a perfect Lord’s Day here in Peru!!   Today was a gloriously, beautiful day in Trujillo.   The sun was out, but the day had cool temperatures--and it was the day the Lord had made so I rejoiced and was glad in it.   I started my day by ... Read more >

Do Short Term Teams Really Make a Difference?

Wednesday, 19 Aug 2009 | Views [410] | Comments [1]

Do short term teams (STT) make a difference?   What do they really have an impact?   Many people ask these questions.   And these questions are often debated.   I think STT do make a huge difference and for lots of different reasons, but my ... Read more >

A Day in My Life

Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Views [365]

Well, short term team season is over and I am settling into Life in Peru Without STT.  It is different, but I enjoy them both.  My time now is spent finalizing accounts from teams that have come and gone; paying bills for the teams; doing final administrative ... Read more >

New Fellowship Program

Sunday, 2 Aug 2009 | Views [372]

Out with the old and in with the new!  The old internship program is now the Peru Mission Fellowship.  This is a one year or less commitment that young people make to come and serve with Peru Mission.  There are 3 components to our Fellowship Program:... Read more >

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