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Itchy Feet "I am going because I would have no peace if I stayed" - Donald Crowhurst.


INDONESIA | Monday, 4 Aug 2014 | Views [764]

This morning, a pile of half-chewed wood was on our bathroom floor.  When I closed the door, it was evident that the bottom corner of the door was missing.  Dave said he heard something chewing & munching in the night.  Maybe it was ... Read more >

Photos: animal

INDONESIA | Monday, 4 Aug 2014 | Photo Gallery

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INDONESIA | Sunday, 3 Aug 2014 | Views [418] | Comments [1]

The torch I sat on the bed head last night is now there for good as it is attached by an elaborate spider web. The spiders can keep it.  I don’t want it back now! Thank goodness there was a mosquito net between our heads & the arachnids ... Read more >

Gorgeous Gorge

INDONESIA | Saturday, 2 Aug 2014 | Views [372]

We woke to monkey sounds & those musical cicadas again this morning.  From our balcony we watched Thomas Leaf Monkeys taking giant downwards leaps through trees.  It was hot, about 27 degrees, so we walked through the shallow river to our ... Read more >

Tags: gorge, tangkahan

Car Trouble

INDONESIA | Friday, 1 Aug 2014 | Views [608]

We landed at Kuala Namu airport in Medan, Sumatra.  Kanu & Retno from the Jungle Lodge in Tangkahan were waiting for us with a handwritten sign: David . We had booked our first three nights in Indonesia & a driver to get there. ... Read more >

Tags: bridge, car, indiana jones, traffic

Malaysian Airlines

INDONESIA | Friday, 1 Aug 2014 | Views [630]

Malaysian Airlines were great.  However we had been a bit nervous with the bad luck that had struck the carrier – the disappearance of flight MH370 & the shooting down of MH17 over Ukraine.  It was particularly personal for me as ... Read more >

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

INDONESIA | Friday, 1 Aug 2014 | Views [455]

Day 1  As soon as a holiday begins for me, my body goes into relaxed-mode – except for my eyes.  They go on high alert.  We saw a couple at Melbourne Airport with a double kitchen sink on their luggage trolley.  We laughed ... Read more >

Tags: airport, coincidence, electronic smoking, kitchen sink, synchronicity, waterslide

Heading back to Sumatra

INDONESIA | Sunday, 27 Jul 2014 | Views [460] | Comments [4]

In four more sleeps, Dave and I are returning to Sumatra.  We are taking my brother Dan for his fortieth birthday.  We are so excited and have packed and repacked.  I'm taking minimal clothing, so be prepared for lots of photos with us ... Read more >

Photos: Gili Islands

INDONESIA | Saturday, 10 Aug 2013 | Photo Gallery

My birthday!
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Photos: Bali

INDONESIA | Monday, 29 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

Dave. Monkey Forest, Ubud.
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Tags: indonesia, monkey forest, ubud

Photos: Lombok

INDONESIA | Saturday, 13 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

Lombok, Indonesia
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Homeless Kids

INDONESIA | Sunday, 1 Aug 2010 | Views [1221] | Comments [5]

At 8:30 this morning we saw 10 young homeless kids asleep on the footpath in the city of Medan.  We bought chicken satay for all of them & water & milk drinks & some other food.  When we came to give it to them, they were all just waking ... Read more >

Tags: drink, food, homeless, homeless children, indonesia, medan, sumatra

Menu Items

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [729] | Comments [2]

"I'm so hungry i could eat a baked chicken, wrapped in a pizza" - Dave. We went to a restaurant recommended by Lonely Planet & bit on a stone for our efforts.  On the menu cover it had a smiley face & a sad face.  (Not good marketing!) ... Read more >

Tags: asian food, avocado shake, beer, engrish, indonesian food, menu, stone

Rat Room

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [816] | Comments [1]

"A journey is like marriage.  The certain way to be wrong is to think that you can control it" - John Steinbeck Dave didn't get a wink of sleep last night coz of the rat in our room.  Our walls are woven split bamboo & we have Marie biscuits, ... Read more >

Tags: bukit lawang, indonesia, rat, rats, rodent, sumatra

Land of Sugar

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [709]

"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things" - Henry Miller Indonesian's love everything sweet & the new way of seeing things is sugar coated.  The bread is full of sugar.  The milk is sweetened condensed milk.  ... Read more >

Tags: asian food, bread, coffee, food, indonesian food, milk, sugar, sweet, tea

I'm never riding a motorbike EVER AGAIN

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [2175] | Comments [5]

(and with my motorcycle history, i probably shouldn't.  ahem).  "The journey not the arrival matters" - T.S. Eliot.  Roads in Sumatra are notoriously horrendous & travel is so slow, so for our journey from Tangkahan to Bukit Lawang, ... Read more >

Tags: bad roads, bukit lawang, honda, indonesia, motorbike, motorcycle, road, roads, sumatra, tangkahan

Crusty Demons of dirt. Story by Dave

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [1864]

Imagine 2 hours sitting on the most uncomfy seat you've ever sat on.  Next, make that seat even narrower & on the back of a motorbike. Then picture the worst road you've ever been down which included such highlights as: *long sections of river stones ... Read more >

Tags: bad roads, boar, bridge, bridges, indonesia, motorbike, road, roads, sepeda motor, sumatra

The World is a Book

INDONESIA | Saturday, 24 Jul 2010 | Views [519]

"The world is a book and those who do not travel, read only one page" - St. Augustine. I think i'm up to page 28 but i've lost my bookmark...

Tags: book, st augustine, travel

Our 2nd Elephant Trek

INDONESIA | Saturday, 24 Jul 2010 | Views [1507] | Comments [3]

Yesterday we did our 2nd elephant trek. Our mahoot pointed to the ground where there had been a tiger's footprint in the mud 'several days ago'. (Dave is now on a computer beside me looking up tigers attacking elephants on utube hmmm...) This print is ... Read more >

Tags: elephant, elephant trek, elephants, horsefly, indonesia, mahoot, sumatra, tangkahan

Dave's 39th Birthday

INDONESIA | Friday, 23 Jul 2010 | Views [980] | Comments [9]

Dave had the best birthday ever.  He may not be able to top it.  (What the hell am I going to do for his 40th?  Suggestions most welcome!) I have to be quick so here goes... Dave had 5 birthday songs altogether - in English, Indonesian & Dutch! ... Read more >

Tags: augustine, birthday, dave, elephant, elephant trek, elephants, indonesia, sumatra, tangkahan, trek

I'm Glad I Brought ______ With Me Because...

INDONESIA | Friday, 23 Jul 2010 | Views [1019] | Comments [5]

MY SMILE because everyone want to take photos of us ("Hello Mister.  Can i make picture?") HEADLAMP coz in our jungle guesthouse there is only electricity from 8pm-11pm. TORCH to stop insects the size of birds slamming in into our faces coz ... Read more >

Tags: backpack, belongings, bring, indonesia, packing, sumatra, tangkahan

When Primates Go Bad

INDONESIA | Friday, 23 Jul 2010 | Views [930] | Comments [2]

Thanks everyone for your comments!  Not enough time to respond till i get home :) While I escaped lightly, only being peed on by an orangutan who was in the tree above me, Dave was attacked by a Pig Tailed Macaque.  Hereby known as the Macaque Attack.... Read more >

Tags: bukit lawang, indonesia, long tailed macaque, macaque, monkey, pig tailed macaque, sumatra

Creatures of the Night

INDONESIA | Monday, 19 Jul 2010 | Views [653]

Woke to find a ten cent piece sized hole in my sorbelene.  So that went into the bin.  But worse, our unopened pack of peanuts had been dragged to the drain but the critter was unable to fit it down the drain.  Sweet dreams...

Tags: critter, critters, pest, rat, rats, rodent, rodents

Jungle Trek

INDONESIA | Sunday, 18 Jul 2010 | Views [2146] | Comments [3]

We had a day in Bukit Lawang looking around before we signed up for a 2day jungle trek.  We paid $4 each to go to the feeding platform where rehabilitated orangutans can go for supplementary feeding if they need it.  We travelled by canoe across the ... Read more >

Tags: bohorok river, bukit lawang, hike, jungle, jungle trek, orangutan, rafting, sumatra, trek, white water rafting

Bukit Lawang

INDONESIA | Sunday, 18 Jul 2010 | Views [1084] | Comments [2]

We were shown to our 2 storey bamboo hut in Bukit Lawang, threw our backpacks on the floor & stood on the balcony looking across the river to the jungle.  Within seconds Dave spotted swaying trees & suddenly an orange arm appeared.  An orangutan ... Read more >

Tags: bukit lawang, indonesia, long tailed macaque, macaque, orangutan, sumatra

Leaving for the airport

INDONESIA | Sunday, 11 Jul 2010 | Views [598] | Comments [6]

Mum arrives in 2 hours to take us to the airport.  Passports.  Check.  Plane tickets.  Check.  Camera.  Check.  Salt & stockings for jungle leeches.  Check.  We're outta here!  See ya! :)

Photos: vegetable

INDONESIA | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

indo reading
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Pre-travel Reading

INDONESIA | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Views [546] | Comments [2]

Indonesia is the world's 4th most populous nation, with over 235 million dudes! And one of the Batak's edible delicacies in the region we are visiting is the partly-digested cud of water buffalo!  Doesn't sound too appetising but i'd rather try that ... Read more >

not long till we leave

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010 | Views [415]

5 more sleeps...

off & away

INDONESIA | Saturday, 12 Jun 2010 | Views [439]

We've booked tickets to Sumatra, Indonesia.  We leave next month!  We're gonna see orangutans!

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