INDONESIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [872] | Comments [1]

"A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think that you can control it" - John Steinbeck Dave didn't get a wink of sleep last night coz of the rat in our room. Our walls are woven split bamboo & we have Marie biscuits, ... Read more >
Tags: bukit lawang, indonesia, rat, rats, rodent, sumatra
INDONESIA | Monday, 19 Jul 2010 | Views [693]

Woke to find a ten cent piece sized hole in my sorbelene. So that went into the bin. But worse, our unopened pack of peanuts had been dragged to the drain but the critter was unable to fit it down the drain. Sweet dreams...
Tags: critter, critters, pest, rat, rats, rodent, rodents