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where in the world is steph.... Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -- Mary Oliver


There are [0] photos and [20] stories tagged with "Adventures".


NICARAGUA | Sunday, 3 Oct 2010 | Views [769]

The newest adventures and photos can be found at: http://ketoleavesthesea.wordpress.com/

Tags: adventures, friends, jokes, photos, stories, traveling

Bun Pi Mai Lao

LAOS | Sunday, 15 Apr 2007 | Views [1388] | Comments [5]

I awoke to the sound of rain, quite an intense sound of rain. In fact the skylight in my bathroom was leaking, and every time I sat on the toilet, I got rained on. I had been anticipating hot weather in Laos, and don’t really have the clothes for ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Luang Prabang

LAOS | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [943] | Comments [2]

I awoke at 7am almost as excited as I do Christmas morning. I could not wait to get out and see Luang Prabang by the light of day. The air was cool from the rain early that morning, and the city failed to disappoint. I wandered in and out of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

bus to nowhere

LAOS | Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Views [911]

The very familiar sound of rain on the roof was the first thing I heard when I woke up, but thought nothing of it. I had yet to really see rain since I had arrived in Thailand in January, and chocked the noise up to the wind. I went downstairs and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Talat Sao

LAOS | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [922]

I awoke early and headed towards a café near Namphu (the fountain, which I never saw on). I ran into several of the people who I had gone kayaking with a few days before. It was nice to sit with some fairly familiar faces and chat. I was envious of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Vientiane Sights

LAOS | Monday, 9 Apr 2007 | Views [958]

Day three started early with a quick cup of coffee before heading to the Thai consulate. I met a girl who was a Laos refugee living in Anchorage! She works at a Thai restaurant there. Conversing with her helped to quickly pass the time before the consulate ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Laos Day Two

LAOS | Sunday, 8 Apr 2007 | Views [978]

Day off to a rough start. Yesterday I enjoyed not one, but two salads the entire time thinking about how much I missed them. At 2 A.M. I remembered why I currently avoid them, when I was rudely awaken by a gurgling stomach accompanied by sharp abdominal ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


MYANMAR | Saturday, 10 Mar 2007 | Views [780] | Comments [2]

Well just incase I hadn't gotten enough of bus rides after returning from Sukhothai, I booked a mini van trip to the northern border of Thailand. I needed to renew my visa, and this would allow me to walk across the border to Myanmar (Burma) and back.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

elephants in the city

THAILAND | Monday, 22 Jan 2007 | Views [1611]

Today on my way home from school, I stopped at one of the street vendors to get something to eat for dinner. Trying to balance the bag of food, my change, my wallet, and not getting hit by a motorbike I turned around and was faced with the most unexpected ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

friends family and snow

USA | Tuesday, 2 Nov 2004 | Views [958]

Hello everyone, I have gotten a few e-mails inquiring about my current location. Well I have left the warmth of the Greek Islands and am in Juneau where I woke up to a light dusting of snow on the ground today. I have actually been home a week, had to ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

haunted castles

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 11 Oct 2004 | Views [599]

My last Scotland e-mail was a little rushed, not that this one will be much better, but where I am sending this from a castle, I thought you might all appreciate it. That’s right, tonight I will be sleeping in a castle that has statues in the main hallway, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


GERMANY | Saturday, 9 Oct 2004 | Views [663]

Hello Everbody (liz what does that remind you of?) Greetings from the land of the Loch Ness monster, yep I am in Scotland and no I am not going to eat haggis. But how did i get here you ask......well let me fill you in on my latest adventures....... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

sand in the shorts

GREECE | Friday, 1 Oct 2004 | Views [854]

Greetings everyone! I know it has been a while since my last update, I believe where I left you hanging was I was in Rhodes trying to find a way out of that very....shall i say interesting.....island. I wanted to get away from people, tourists and all ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


TURKEY | Sunday, 12 Sep 2004 | Views [762]

Greetings everyone!  Turkey proved to be great. We left Selcuk on a night bus and headed north to Gallipoli, the site of a very important battle durring world war one. many aussies and kiwis died and it has since become somewhat of a mecca for twenty ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

im in turkey not one

TURKEY | Monday, 6 Sep 2004 | Views [742]

greetýngs everyone. where to start....oh yes the cruýse. work charted a boat for everyone and we went on a day cruýse to two ýslands. the fýrst was hydra whých was beautful. there ýs only one car ýn town whých ýs to delýver the produce that comes to town ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Getting there is the battle

GREECE | Sunday, 1 Aug 2004 | Views [487]

Hey everyone, so after the longest four days of my life, i have arrived in athens. lets see first i got to stop in seattle and have lunch with allie (yeah!!!) which was the highlight of my day considering my plane was unable to land in denver due to thunder ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Graduation Present to Myself

JAPAN | Thursday, 4 Apr 2002 | Views [498]

My grandmother reminded me that I haven't posted anything about my trips to Japan, so they don't show up on the list of "places I have been". Well unfortunetly I don't think I am going to get anything real posted for some time, so this will ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 9 Mar 2001 | Views [764]

The countdown has begun; I leave in two weeks. All of us are dreading leaving, (all of us our leaving on different days), but those of us working in the schools are dreading our last day there more than anything. Working with the Amy Biehl Foundations ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

My real world

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 31 Jan 2001 | Views [779]

Greetings once again from sunny Cape Town. I hope that everyone enjoyed my last e-mail, and if not, too bad. After reading some of your responses, I realize there are some things I need to explain that not everyone knows. I am studying here in Cape ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

First Impressions

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 25 Jan 2001 | Views [724]

Hello everyone! This is my long overdue e-mail as this is the third week that I have been here in Cape Town, South Africa. I hope that everyone is well. Just a warning this e-mail is long, so you may want to save it until you have the time to read ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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