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where in the world is steph.... Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -- Mary Oliver

the language of hola

NICARAGUA | Monday, 25 Oct 2010 | Views [813]

I would hazard to guess that the first word I learned in Spanish was “hola”. Once I thought of it as simple word, a replacement for “hello” in my familiar tongue. I had put relatively little thought into it. However, I've come to recognize some of ... Read more >

Tags: hello, hola, language, meanings

Birthday Wishes The Power of 10

CAMBODIA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [664]

31 years! Wahoo! Being here reminds me that I have so much more than I ever could really need. So this year for my Birthday I'm asking my friends and family to join me in joining "The Power of 10". To learn more about The ... Read more >


NICARAGUA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [520]

There was no shame when our taxi driver whipped out a paper and proceeded to read it while driving... http://ketoleavesthesea.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/multitasking/

Tags: baseball, driving, multitasking, newspapers, on the road

Monkey Business

NICARAGUA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [525]

... That was until I looked out the window to see two very hairy arms swinging on the fence across the street. I kept leaning to get a better view, but those arms were way too quick for me, quickly disappearing behind the truck. Now I’m not going ... Read more >

Tags: life, monkeys, nicaragua

Chickens Make Good Housepets?

NICARAGUA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [567]

I’ve recently (as in 2 am two nights ago) come to question the wisdom of my mother, “Chickens make good house pets”. While often the tagline for many family jokes, I have no doubt that my mother believes this phrase to be true. And over the ... Read more >

Tags: chickens, housepets, life and death, nicaragua, time

Beachy Behaviors

NICARAGUA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [532]

The outfielders were shoeless, centerfield in the surf, and the infield was full of young boys hopeful to be part of the action. As I walked towards the game the teams swelled and the outfield expanded, until it was clear that the one set of sunbathers ... Read more >

Tags: baseball, beaches, rain, tourists


NICARAGUA | Sunday, 3 Oct 2010 | Views [769]

The newest adventures and photos can be found at: http://ketoleavesthesea.wordpress.com/

Tags: adventures, friends, jokes, photos, stories, traveling

The top 20 of my 20's

USA | Sunday, 18 Oct 2009 | Views [569]

Someone asked me this week what the best moment of my 20's was. I was for one of the few times in my life- unable to speak. How does one sort through a decade of memories and pick one on the spot. I did, but I felt like I was betraying all the other ... Read more >

Yellow Flag Morning, Kayakers Take Warning

USA | Thursday, 9 Apr 2009 | Views [1453] | Comments [1]

After days of watching the palm trees flaying around in the wind, and red flag after red flag being hoisted in the breeze...today we had a yellow flag on the beach. The ocean looked calm from the condo window a 7am, the cold snap had ended, and we ... Read more >

Gallery: random beijing

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 9 photos >>

Gallery: I'm feeling very Olympic today

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Temple of Heaven

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 19 photos >>

Gallery: Forbidden City

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 38 photos >>

Beijing the Begining

CHINA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [523]

Nee how.... I have arrived in Beijing, and believe it or not, so did my luggage. Already things are off to a great start! Staying in Media Village, much more comfortable than Torino. Things are moving along, jumped into work the day after I ... Read more >

Gallery: Thai Cooking Class

THAILAND | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Bangkok

VIETNAM | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 40 photos >>

Gallery: Hoi An

VIETNAM | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 45 photos >>

Gallery: Hue

VIETNAM | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 57 photos >>

Gallery: Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>

Gallery: Sapa

VIETNAM | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 22 photos >>

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