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where in the world is steph.... Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -- Mary Oliver


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Turkey


Sunday, 12 Sep 2004 | Views [762]

Greetings everyone!  Turkey proved to be great. We left Selcuk on a night bus and headed north to Gallipoli, the site of a very important battle durring world war one. many aussies and kiwis died and it has since become somewhat of a mecca for twenty ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

im in turkey not one

Monday, 6 Sep 2004 | Views [742]

greetýngs everyone. where to start....oh yes the cruýse. work charted a boat for everyone and we went on a day cruýse to two ýslands. the fýrst was hydra whých was beautful. there ýs only one car ýn town whých ýs to delýver the produce that comes to town ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures



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