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the road to serendipity

to be continued...

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [574]

the adventures of my wandering being, that is. leaving behind an experience of a lifetime. being on my own in an unfamiliar territory, both within and beyond, has been an unforgettable experience, one that is too complex to be put in words and one that ... Read more >

Tags: thoughts

Cambodia 101

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [1391]

I’m no expert on Cambodian life and culture but since I’ve been here for 2 months I feel I should let friends back home know a little more about the country and its quirks. General Cambodia has one of the most public holidays in the world.... Read more >

Killing Fields & Tuol Sleng

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [667]

Spent my last day in Cambodia visiting the infamous Killing fields of Choeung Ek and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. I'd deliberately left these two places till the very end even though I'd spent so much time in Phnom Penh over the past two months, ... Read more >

2 more days in Kampuchea

CAMBODIA | Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [607]

Had a rude awakening this morning at 830am when my fellow volunteer banged on my door. I had fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion without setting my alarm!!! I was supposed to leave at 830 to the bus station (bus departing at 9am) but here I was just ... Read more >

Nobody said it was easy

CAMBODIA | Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [795]

Yesterday was not an easy day for me. Being my last day at CCPP, everything I did took on an extra burden of knowing that I wouldn’t be doing that when I woke up the next day, which was hard as I’ve grown so used to filling up paints, sorting paintings, ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [758]

We don’t have the habit of celebrating Halloween at home so this year’s Halloween has been my first and probably the most special one I’d have in years to come. We volunteers had prepared a Halloween party for the kids, complete with handmade animal ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Views [688]

There're 2 public holidays this week (told ya there're hols every month in Cambodia) and so the centre is closed for 3 days. I made a trip to Kampot yesterday and stayed a night by the riverside. Arrived in Kampot nice and early at 10am after the 2-... Read more >

The field trip that wasn’t

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Views [768]

26/10 Sun - Today was supposed to be Field Trip day to Ream National Park for the CCPP kids. Ream National Park is 18km east of S’ville and one of the attractions here. It consists of mainly lowland forests, swamps and habitats for several endangered ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [684]

I’ve been here for almost 3 weeks and it’s easy to see why so many foreigners have decided to extend their stays or just stay put for good. A lil’ background info: Sihanoukville, situated on the South Coast of Cambodia, was relatively undeveloped ... Read more >

Random bits

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [612]

of info on what I’ve been up to. Other than volunteering, I’ve been honing my skills on becoming a slob. Yup there’s absolutely nothing much to do in my free time other than tan on a beach, chill at a bar, have my daily servings of bread and cheese ... Read more >

Great Leap Forward

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [920]

for CCPP the past few days. A batch of about 30 kids have been sent to the local junior school. This is a BIG deal for the kids – it presents them a chance of a lifetime to receive an education and hopefully escape the poverty cycle. Most of the ... Read more >

Tags: kids, thoughts

The trappings of one's mind

CAMBODIA | Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [941]

Can be a frightening thing. I’m referring to one’s socio-economic and cultural background. Warning: reflective post ahead. In the past 2 weeks I’ve been here, I’ve met and spoken to several foreigners who have made S’ville their (temporary) home.... Read more >

Tags: thoughts

Bamboo Island

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Views [869]

As the centre is closed on Mondays, fellow volunteer Megan and I decided to take a day trip to one of the nearby islands – Bamboo Island. This crescent-shaped island is an hour’s boat trip away from Sihanoukville, and boy was it a world of difference ... Read more >

Gallery: Sihanoukville

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

when i said

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 9 Oct 2008 | Views [608]

this was gonna be a physical challenge a month ago, it was some fantastic foresight or what! Firstly, my immune system gave way and I fell ill, first time ever overseas! It started with a tummy ache and evolved into a fever. Don’t ask me what I ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [777]

I apologize for my loooong (and backdated) entries. I don’t get WIFI at my accommodation and only am able to update when I get to an internet café or a place with WIFI. I’m now in Sihanoukville on my 2 nd volunteer stint with C.C.P.P (Cambodian ... Read more >

Clash of perspectives

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [585]

At the Okay Guesthouse where I stayed in Phnom Penh, there’s a restaurant on the ground floor and a great place to meet fellow travelers. Just that night Amanda and I were having dinner and Ken from NZ sat down at our table. He’s older than my Dad but ... Read more >

Tags: thoughts

Phnom Penh – It was all good until…

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [1029]

Between Siem Reap and Sihanoukville, I had a few days in Phnom Penh where I really got to see the city and walked the streets. On my 1 st day I got to see the Royal Palace/Silver Pagoda and the National Museum. Nothing spectacular but seeing the ... Read more >

Tags: phnom penh

Day 4: A final walkabout in Siem Reap

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [810]

29 Sep Woke up when I woke up, had breakfast while watching tiny little frogs jump from one place to another just beneath my table and had all the time in the world to decide what I could do for the rest of the day. Then I packed my bags, checked ... Read more >

Tags: travels

Day 3: Other temple ruins

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 1 Oct 2008 | Views [545]

28 Sep After a night's rest, we got ourselves ready for a 2nd day of temple visiting. Armed with masks and shades (lesson learnt after getting sand in your mouth and dust in our eyes), we set off on a 30min tuk tuk ride to Banteay Srey, a relatively ... Read more >

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