It’s so nice to be home
with mom and dad, let the pampering begin. We wake to a fresh pot of coffee and
a breakfast of fruit, eggs, toast and sausage. We don’t even have to
clean up the kitchen. I could get used to this. And that’s when mom informs us
that we wont be getting this treatment every morning...well we'll see.
Thankfully, our delayed bags are delivered by American Airlines early in
the morning. We empty all our dirty clothes into the washing machine and spend the rest of the day chilling around the house until about 4pm when mom
forces us to go on a walk with her. Now I’ve come here to relax, not exercise. But
nonetheless, I get dragged out to the park and spend an hour trailing everyone
through the woods.
"Trail" is actually a perfect description of what she did - Alicia, as most of us know, will not be rushed. And how could she be expected to walk in flip flops anyway? Oh wait...what was that? She chose to wear flip flops? Anyway, at least from the back she can offer advice to her much fitter and more active mother on her gait and the best power-walking technique. Classic Alicia.
We spend the next few days hanging around Hinsdale. Mom shows us around, We play a few games of tennis (or at least Rich and dad do), read a few books and eat loads of food.
We go visit Naperville,
the suburb we lived in when I used to live in Chicago. We drive by our old house and
check out the revamped downtown area. I don’t recognize this place anymore.