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travelling with laughter

Trip: India

There are [10] stories from my trip: India

Gallery: The Royal Enfield Trip

INDIA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 96 photos >>

Gallery: Christmas in Pondicherry

INDIA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 20 photos >>

I feel the need for speed........

INDIA | Saturday, 29 Dec 2007 | Views [854]

'Pondicherry' my little haven of India, staying there for over two weeks everything became relaxed, chilled and very familiar. I was even able to venture out all by myself and not get hideously lost, an absolute first for me as my sense of direction ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Merry Christmas and a groping new year!!!

INDIA | Tuesday, 25 Dec 2007 | Views [2353]

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} "With logs on the fire, and gifts on the tree, la la la la la" good old Cliff Richard bleats ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Purlease...can i be a cheer leader....?!?

INDIA | Saturday, 22 Dec 2007 | Views [1085]

Heading on the 36 hour train journey from Delhi to Pondicherry Sharon and i found ourselves in luck again, not only did we manage to get upgraded from 3AC to 2AC allowing us to escape some weirdo who insisted on talking to us, taking my 'fake' email ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

I can just see the headlines now...'tourist kills local with backpack....'

INDIA | Saturday, 15 Dec 2007 | Views [910]

So a near death experience happened,     thankfully not to me or Sharon but almost to an unsuspecting local...... This is how it all came about........ Sharon and i were on our way to the hustle and bustle of Delhi, travelling by train.... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

The cycle of life and death.

INDIA | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2007 | Views [679]

Quote: "Varanassi is seen as a crossing place between life and death, an everlasting symbol of hope to past, present and future generations." Varanassi is also known as the city of Shiva and is one of the holiest places in India, ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

My long and very exciting day at the train station

INDIA | Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Views [753]

It has completely dawned on me, waking up, walking out onto the roof and looking out... I am in INDIA!! In one piece, unstressed and looking forward to the the adventures that lay ahead in this vast country! After a lazy breakfast Sharon and ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Gallery: Varanassi

INDIA | Sunday, 9 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 28 photos >>

Meet my new friend Bipin Patel.

INDIA | Saturday, 8 Dec 2007 | Views [1231] | Comments [1]

Leaving Nepal after almost two months made me feel abit sad, i have really enjoyed my time there but it was time to move on to adventures new. If when leaving someone had told me that i would spend the next twenty seven hours sitting on a bus, i may ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road