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Princess Adventures A little something-something to run around the world with....

The Adventures of Lucy the Chicken

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Tuesday, 4 Oct 2011 | Views [1797] | Comments [1]

I have some lovely real friends, and twitter friends, who write wicked blogs about cooking, or attempting to cook. They work either under dire location circumstances , or under dire lack of success but full of motivation circumstances (lookin’ ... Read more >

Tags: dubai, food, omi

Remember to Validate your Metcard

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Sep 2011 | Views [2453]

The recorded message rang out, over and over again, at every stop. “Remember to validate your Metcard” Quintessentially Melbourne, it was a reminder of all the messages, bright lights, sounds and seductions I had so desperately missed in my ... Read more >

Tags: australia, expat, melbourne, school, thoughts

Dos and Don'ts of the United Arab Emirates

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Thursday, 11 Aug 2011 | Views [10974] | Comments [1]

I seem to have a lot of places I can call my backyard these days. So when World Nomads kicked off their Blog your Backyard project, I saw it as a fantastic way to show off the best bits of the cities that I have called home. I am used to playing ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, city, dubai, uae

These walls are filled with everything

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 10 Aug 2011 | Views [1248] | Comments [2]

Dressed in a combination of clothes and accessories that really should have been in the washing machine or didn’t fit into my overloaded suitcase, I boarded the South Line train from Sydney Central station. I wore a Catwoman comic t-shirt I’d donned ... Read more >

Tags: family, home, sydney

5 Must Do Things in Melbourne

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 5 Aug 2011 | Views [12483]

I seem to have a lot of places I can call my backyard these days. So when World Nomads kicked off their Blog your Backyard project, I saw it as a fantastic way to show off the best bits of the cities that I have called home. I am used to playing ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard

Coffee for a Cause

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [1549] | Comments [2]

I'm not normally one to advertise, but this is special... It happened while I was doing the dishes. Usually, like I was told by an incredible mentor, these kinds of things happen while you’re having a shower. You know them, those moments of incredible ... Read more >

Monday Moment: Ferry Road Markets

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 1 Aug 2011 | Views [1737]

When you are in a familiar land, it is easy to forget that there are new and unexplored corners to be found, no matter how long you have been around. That’s when you depend on the experience of the wonderful friends around you, who have taken that ... Read more >

Multiculturalism is not a dirty word

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011 | Views [2926] | Comments [8]

When I left the sandy, sunny shores of Port Melbourne, destined for the Middle East, I knew I would learn a lot about myself and others. I knew that my little world would change and that my perception of people, place and culture would change indefinitely.... Read more >

Monday Moment: Brisbane's Southbank

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 25 Jul 2011 | Views [1015]

I have been back at ‘home’ in Australia for two weeks now, on holiday. As an expat coming back to the motherland, I’m finding it mighty difficult to write something productive or relevant that doesn’t include “it hasn’t changed much” or “it holds ... Read more >

Photos: Urban Adventures of the Aussie Kind

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 21 Jul 2011 | Photo Gallery

Gold Coast and Brisbane City
See all 37 photos >>

What the weather can do

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 13 Jul 2011 | Views [773] | Comments [2]

I often tell myself I am unaffected by the weather in Dubai. I spend my evenings running as we head into the 36 degree, 70% humidity, evenings of summer, right up until break, and press on through September until the temps ease off in October. The ... Read more >

Photos: Where the Wild Things Are

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 10 Jul 2011 | Photo Gallery

Australian Winter adventures
See all 19 photos >>

Photos: Mumbai on Repeat

INDIA | Thursday, 7 Jul 2011 | Photo Gallery

Mumbai the second time round, for urban adventures and culture soaking.
See all 65 photos >>

How my solo travels are different

INDIA | Wednesday, 6 Jul 2011 | Views [953]

I've travelled a few times without Andrew now. My first post from this India trip shows you how far I've come in being able to manage the perils and joys of travels as a solo female, and in the meantime, I've made a few observations about my own habits ... Read more >

The many treasures of India

INDIA | Tuesday, 5 Jul 2011 | Views [1032]

The National Gallery of Modern Art hangs just off the corner edge of the Colaba Causeway, at the entry point of the Kala Ghoda art district. The traffic outside was chaotic, horns blaring and cars pushing forward while I tried to escape into the ... Read more >

Do it again, just one more time

INDIA | Monday, 4 Jul 2011 | Views [922]

My time here in Mumbai is rapidly coming to a close. I made my way to most of the places I wanted to see today, leaving off the art galleries for tomorrow, so I get home smelling at least a little tolerable, thanks to the wonder of air conditioning.... Read more >

Melamine, linoleum and steel edged chairs

INDIA | Monday, 4 Jul 2011 | Views [1226] | Comments [4]

Masala onion dosa. Masala onion dosa. Repeat after me: masala onion dosa. It was 11.00am, and like a good Mumbaiker, I slept in until ten to wait for the rest of the world to wake up. Even then, I was bleary-eyed after spending all night writing ... Read more >

And not an elephant in sight

INDIA | Sunday, 3 Jul 2011 | Views [999] | Comments [2]

Warning: This post is not a positive one; it portrays a popular Mumbai tourist attraction in a fairly negative light. If you do not wish to go to Elephanta Island with preconceived notions of what you will find there, stop reading. If you want to hear ... Read more >

Not another paneer makhni

INDIA | Sunday, 3 Jul 2011 | Views [900] | Comments [3]

Let's get this straight from the outset; Indian cuisine is not my food of choice. I'd much rather take up some South-east Asian delights or Arab food any day . On my last school trip to Mumbai, there was absolutely no choice in what I could eat, ... Read more >

While the city sleeps

INDIA | Saturday, 2 Jul 2011 | Views [1000]

Flying into Mumbai at 4am is actually quite charming. The flight itself is a nightmare, with its token noisy, intoxicated Westerners, screaming children, and mothers who are louder and more annoying than their children in their attempts to silence them.... Read more >

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