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Third World Veggie Follow me through SE Asia as I work on my Asia-bod & search for my inner-yogi. If you are looking for travel information or a guide to different SE Asia cities this is NOT the blog for you.

Photos: New Zealand - May 2017

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 26 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Cambodia - April 2017

CAMBODIA | Friday, 12 May 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Islands and Temples in Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 3 May 2017 | Views [337]

We took a bus from Ho Chi Minh (which we thought was insanely hot) to the even hotter city in Cambodia - Phenom Penh. When we arrived in Cambodia we learned that the city was celebrating a holiday which meant that practically every restaurant and shop ... Read more >

The Vietnam Motorbike Experience

VIETNAM | Friday, 28 Apr 2017 | Views [304]

The short story is that Mark & I bought our motorbikes (Otis & Shimmie) in Hanoi and drove them South through the country ending in Ho Chi Minh. Susie joined us for the first part of the trip and rode on the back of Mark's bike while I took her ... Read more >

Photos: Vietnam: March 15 - April 15

VIETNAM | Thursday, 20 Apr 2017 | Photo Gallery

Photos of our time in Vietnam
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Northern Vietnam

VIETNAM | Monday, 10 Apr 2017 | Views [316]

The best part about Northern Vietnam was that Susie was able to visit us there. I can't pretend that I loved Hanoi and it didn't help that it was raining and cold the first few days we were there BUT it did manage to clear up for when Susie was there.... Read more >

Photos: March 2017

LAOS | Friday, 31 Mar 2017 | Photo Gallery

Laos & Vietnam
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Thakhek Loop

LAOS | Thursday, 16 Mar 2017 | Views [369]

While in Northern Laos we kept hearing about a 4-day loop done via motorbike through central Laos. We decided to do it as a test run because we thought we might want to buy bikes in Vietnam. The loop starts and ends in this little town along the Mekong ... Read more >

The Adult Playgroud - Vang Vieng

LAOS | Wednesday, 8 Mar 2017 | Views [545]

Vang Vieng is one of the strangest towns we have stayed in. Here, we managed to find the best pizza in SE Asia, river tubing, caves, and pretty much every person from our slowboat from Thailand.  Vang Vieng used to be a crazy party city in Laos ... Read more >

Slow boat to Laos

LAOS | Friday, 3 Mar 2017 | Views [385]

Continuing our "loop" through SE Asia, we decided to take a slow boat to Laos rather than a painful 24+ hour bus ride. The slow boat was described to us as more of a party scene where people are really social and daydrink while on this cool boat. The ... Read more >

Finding Ourselves in Pai

THAILAND | Monday, 27 Feb 2017 | Views [291]

Almost our entire hostel boarded a super windy bus to Pai, Thailand and we made it to hippie city turned completely westernized tourist town. Here, I can do things like eat eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast, eat $2 Thai food for dinner, and lay in ... Read more >

Women Drivers

THAILAND | Saturday, 25 Feb 2017 | Views [287]

Standouts in Chiang Mai include our elephant experience and Mark's first time driving a motorbike. I uploaded the many elephant photos that I collected over our full day elephant experience. BF points to bae for letting me have my dream full day experience ... Read more >

Forced to Make Friends

THAILAND | Sunday, 19 Feb 2017 | Views [199]

We made it to Chaing Mai, Thailand and Mark & I (mostly Mark) decided it was time to really join the backpacking world and stay at a hostel in a dorm room. Due to Mark's good Hostelworld skills we ended up having the potentially nicest dorm ... Read more >

Photos: Feb 2017

THAILAND | Sunday, 19 Feb 2017 | Photo Gallery

First month of our trip. Photos from. Hong Kong, Bangkok, Khao Yai National Park, Chiang Mai, and Pai, Thailand.
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The Time We Followed Lonely Planet Advice

THAILAND | Friday, 17 Feb 2017 | Views [251]

Khao Yai National Park: I don't have much to say about this other than thank goodness that I followed this lonely planet advice. Minus our trip to a bat cave, this was a super awesome trip complete with wild elephant spotting. The bat cave was actually ... Read more >

One Night in Bangkok

THAILAND | Wednesday, 15 Feb 2017 | Views [314]

I'm too old for even one night in Bangkok. The drinking scene is too intense for my 25 year old self but 21 year old me would have loved it. The high note was the fact that Mark & I spent Valentine's Day here and I got to plan the entire day including ... Read more >

Pho Everyday

THAILAND | Sunday, 12 Feb 2017 | Views [277]

We managed to make it to Hong Kong after 1 cancelled and 2 delayed flights!  I'd say we're having a rough adjustment to the time change. We wake up early, find an activity for the morning and return around 2pm to nap and watch Human Planet on ... Read more >

The Best Air Mattress

USA | Tuesday, 7 Feb 2017 | Views [214]

By far the best air mattress I've ever slept on was in SF. Thanks to my best gal pal Abby & her boyfriend Joe for letting their unemployed friends live in their living room for 5 days.    Some of my most favorite people live in SF.... Read more >

Photos: Misc

THAILAND | Tuesday, 7 Feb 2017 | Photo Gallery

Profile pic
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