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Trip: Gunner's in Mexico: Not What Most Would First Expect

There are [34] stories from my trip: Gunner's in Mexico: Not What Most Would First Expect

Mexican Body Slam

MEXICO | Sunday, 1 Jan 2017 | Views [418]

Feeling slightly tired this morning we are a bit slow moving.  That was fine as we had zero plan for the day.  After lazing around the hotel until almost noon, we went for a walk on Paseo de la Reforma.  It was surprising how much work ... Read more >

Photos: Mexican Body Slam

MEXICO | Sunday, 1 Jan 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Snoozing into the New Year

MEXICO | Saturday, 31 Dec 2016 | Views [394]

Often on vacation you don't have the luxury of time; one shot at something and never again. Our trip is much different as we take our time, do not try to fill our days with too much and if something is busy, try again another time. Today would be our ... Read more >

Photos: Snoozing into the New Year

MEXICO | Saturday, 31 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Mayian History Adventure

MEXICO | Friday, 30 Dec 2016 | Views [357]

After a relaxing evening in, we were feeling much more ambitious this morning. We woke up extra early and were on the road by 07:30; a first for this trip. We were heading to the Teotihuacan pyramids. Tim had done some research and decided the local ... Read more >

Photos: Mayian History Adventure

MEXICO | Friday, 30 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Massive Market Overload

MEXICO | Thursday, 29 Dec 2016 | Views [278]

We had a relaxing morning around the hotel enjoying coffee and Bailey's; very nice to have a coffee maker in the hotel. Even if you get sick of drip coffee, there is a Starbucks on the ground floor of the hotel. We decided to do less tourist stuff ... Read more >

Photos: A Day at the Market

MEXICO | Thursday, 29 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Young at Heart

MEXICO | Wednesday, 28 Dec 2016 | Views [263]

It looked a bit gloomy out this morning so we were slow to start.  The weather in Mexico city seems to be pretty consistent; cool in the morning around 6-10 degrees C and warm in the afternoons around 22-25.  It looked like it might rain today ... Read more >

Photos: Young at Heart

MEXICO | Wednesday, 28 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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City Tour by Bus

MEXICO | Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016 | Views [356]

It not only felt nice to be back in Mexico City, but our room is so comfortable. We both slept really well and it was nice to be back in a large bed (vs the two barely doubles in Acapulco). We got up this morning and enjoyed Bailey's and coffee; it was ... Read more >

Photos: City Tour by Bus

MEXICO | Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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From the Ocean back to the Mountains

MEXICO | Monday, 26 Dec 2016 | Views [432]

Acapulco was a land of extremes; beauty, fun, relaxation, and apparently violence.  It is a thriving tourist city which mainly sees Mexican tourists.  Is that a bad thing?  Good question; does everywhere need American tourists?  We ... Read more >

Photos: From the Ocean Back to the Mountains

MEXICO | Monday, 26 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Christmas, A Day of Joy and Sorrow

MEXICO | Sunday, 25 Dec 2016 | Views [408]

Merry Christmas!   I know Tim was feeling better when he woke up at his normal 6:00 AM and started playing on his tablet. He wasn't 100 percent but asked me if I wanted mimosas for breakfast; a long tradition of ours on Christmas morning. ... Read more >

Photos: Christmas Day

MEXICO | Sunday, 25 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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A Lot To Say About Nothing

MEXICO | Friday, 23 Dec 2016 | Views [269]

Time at the beach has been truly a relaxing experience....minus the non stop venders asking you to buy something every two minutes. There hasn't been a lot to complain about. Today, however, that would change.   We had an enjoyable ... Read more >

Photos: A Lot To Say About Nothing

MEXICO | Friday, 23 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Water Sports are Not Tim's Thing

CANADA | Thursday, 22 Dec 2016 | Views [429]

Time seems to slip away while you are on a nice vacation and it hard to believe our beach adventure is half over. I woke up feeling the champagne this morning and was a bit slow to get going. We puttered around the hotel until about 10:00 AM and then ... Read more >

Photos: Water Sports Are Not Tim's Thing

MEXICO | Thursday, 22 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

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