Equator!!! (May 17th in Ecuator)
This is a monumental moment to pass the middle of the earth - at least in my book!
It was the day before my b'day, but in reality it was my b'day because I was born in Germany and the seven hours difference made the time right for me to say: I passed the Äquator ON MY BIRTHDAY. Yeah!! And we didn't even try - the time was just right!
A good road, nice weather, beautiful jungle, the ocean audible (but not visible since the jungle is so thick) and then a little road sign indicating this monumental place. NOTHING BUT A ROAD SIGN?
OK, I think to myself, there must be more...this must have not been the right place for a monument for what-ever-reason, so, it must be further down the road or closer to the ocean - someplace soon, close by...surely not hidden...maybe a restaurant, hotel, look out, a nice pebble...crystal hanging on a branch........ SOMETHING!!??
Sip, zero, nada, nothing.
We had to ride for another 20km before I could believe it - and even then I didn't because two road maps indicated that there is a MONUMENT!
Not until the swiss guy -who we stayed with for a couple of days to rest and celebrate my b'day- confirmed that there is no respectable sign at the coast of Ecuador to highlight the fact that we are half way around the world - the middle part between the North and the South Pole - ffs.