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Saturday, 28 Jun 2008 | Views [503]

PS I think I'm going to go to Ghana for a semester next year.... hahahaha JUST KIDDING....

'Last night I was east with them, and west within...' -Ben Folds

Saturday, 28 Jun 2008 | Views [862] | Comments [1]

So it's 4am.  That's a pretty good accomplishment on my part.  I've been trying SO hard to stay awake for MOST of the night so that I'll be WIPED on the plane and maybe I'll sleep.  I'm terribly excited about inflight movies.  I love inflight movies.... Read more >

"How easy...know the place I'm leaving, and the rest is just gone" -Guster

Wednesday, 25 Jun 2008 | Views [1248] | Comments [2]

So I'm approximately 87 hours from arriving in Dayton. Three days and maybe 16 hours until I'm sitting in my house with my family and my friends and my dog and my big comforter. I'm only 60 hours from getting into the taxi in front of 129 Burwood Hwy, ... Read more >

Regrouping, coke addict penguins

Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [590]

We got to see Nick and Brett yesterday which was strange.  Since you know, I'm on the other side of the world.  We had lunch and ice cream and all sorts of fantastic things and talked about how DUMB Monica is (hahaha only kidding...) but I DID get to ... Read more >

The grossest conversation ever.

Friday, 20 Jun 2008 | Views [579] | Comments [1]

Danny: Chick's poop isn't supposed to smell!!! Paris: At least I flush! Grace: It pooop! It supposed to smell!  It doesn't matter who.  Guy, chick, baby, old, granny, grandpa, big, little...dog, bitch whatever!  If girl's poop smelled good they'd sell ... Read more >

One week and no internet.

Friday, 20 Jun 2008 | Views [479]

Almost out of internet. Figures. And I still have a final to study for with all the info online. Going to dinner.  At "6:30" but it's already 6:40 because the of the girls (Tim, Dave, Ryan, and Darryl) that are taking 20 years to get ready.... Read more >

"Uhh no speak engish tram officer"

Thursday, 19 Jun 2008 | Views [661]

HAHAHHAHA so Grace got caught on the tram without a ticket and tried to pretend that she didn't speak English to get out of it hahahahhahaha  of course then it didn't work and she still got a ticket but she had to keep the act up until he was done ... Read more >

The food. La comida.

Tuesday, 17 Jun 2008 | Views [545] | Comments [1]

Jewell: I didn't want to tell my mom why I really want to come home.  I mean, I miss my family and my friends...but what I really miss...is...the food... HaHa She's so funny. Don't worry, I miss my friends and family more than the food but I can't ... Read more >

Father's day

Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [461] | Comments [1]

Sorry I've been too tired to write abut Airlie beach... but I wanted to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!


Sunday, 8 Jun 2008 | Views [533]

In about three hours I have to be awake again to catch a cab to the airport. Sigh. I'll be back in connection on Thursday though so fill my mail box with love and cross your fingers for sunny skies and stress free fun. At the very least I'll get to ... Read more >

I think I'm turning Australian, I think I'm turning Australian, I really think so

Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [543] | Comments [1]

Soooooo we're slipping.  It's time to come home.  We're turning Australia. The other day, when reenacting a conversation I had in the car where I was the passenger (don't you miss my reenactments) I turned to the right to "talk to the driver"... Read more >

93% chance I'd beat a housecat

Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [487]

I saw the Sex and the City movie last night, that was good.  I almost was able to take a nap too but then Gracia came over and rang the doorbell Also, Casey sent me the link to the following test to see how well I would fare against various animals Would ... Read more >

"It's a small crime and I got no excuse"

Tuesday, 3 Jun 2008 | Views [1547] | Comments [3]

So it looks like there's no continuing student scholarships in the stars for me. At least not based on the fact that they said they would be decided by June 1st and well, June 1st is gone. So much for that... I have effectively stared at my paper ... Read more >

Popcorn naps

Saturday, 31 May 2008 | Views [550] | Comments [1]

Since our internet died I couldn't really do homework so I just lazed around today and almost finished All the President's Men...next I'll get The Final Days out (by same people) and endure another week of my housemates making fun of me every time I ... Read more >

Goodbye-ish till the end of the month

Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [479]

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand our internet ran out we were at 83% used yesterday and then today we were all mid research, fingers poised ready to click on a terrific resource and BOOM internet went ka-put. no one is sure who is at fault. but being ... Read more >

Put THAT on the fridge mom!

Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Views [506] | Comments [4]

Hi Mary, I was wondering if I could please use a copy of your assignment anonymously as an example of a good assignment in tomorrows class as I am going to go through some more tips on better assignment writing. You did a great job, so it would be good ... Read more >

Gay Energy Crisis?

Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [479] | Comments [3]

I have the ENTIRE Deakin library on my bed right now. If you're looking to check out a book, this is the place to go. Jewell was actually PURUSING through the books that were piled around me the other day! PURUSING! I currently have 7 books ... Read more >

"Ah yes, we are thick as thieves"

Thursday, 22 May 2008 | Views [513] | Comments [3]

My theory on M&M's is this: The orange ones weird me out.   I particularly like the brown ones, the green ones and the red ones.  I think it's because I like chocolate, and that I gained a creepily strong passion for Christmas from my mother.  I ... Read more >

Helen Hunt NO!

Thursday, 22 May 2008 | Views [581] | Comments [1]

Lindsay and I decided last night that we really should go see a movie that we'd heard almost nothing about, starring and directed by Helen Hunt.  All we knew, is that it was a chick flick of sorts. Lindsay: Danny you're welcome to come. Danny: Hell ... Read more >

Diving into round two

Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [468]

Timber plantations and class politics? No more. Now? Slowing the population explosion, renewable energy sources and queery theory. I spent almost an hour in the sexuality isle of the library today and left with a large pile of books that made look ... Read more >

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