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where is laura? Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers. Rainer Maria Rilke


There are [0] photos and [17] stories tagged with "Culture".

Parallel Universe

MEXICO | Wednesday, 29 Aug 2007 | Views [1266]

Sitting in my rocking chair, logging the video tapes from the summer. I was living in a parallel universe. My return was less about culture shock and more about city shock. The sheer density of activity in one's day is amazing. I miss greeting each ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Heating up-Day3

MEXICO | Thursday, 21 Jun 2007 | Views [1045]

I just met with Mauro, the coordinator with SEDEPAC, the Mexican counterpart to American Friends Service Comm. and if I thought that was intense.. this summer is going to really crazy... fun but challenging as  ever. He's a good spirit, jean jacket, ... Read more >

Tags: culture, frida kahlo, mexico


MEXICO | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Views [1266] | Comments [1]

Well I arrived in Mexico city and already so much has happened it seems... I'm staying at the "Casa de los amigos" it is not just any house, but the "Friends House" as in the Quakers.. quite a nice place with many interesting people ... Read more >

Tags: culture, mexico

Mexico.. yo vengo!

MEXICO | Saturday, 19 May 2007 | Views [1014]

I'm leaving in mid June to participate in the American Friends Service Committee, Mexico Summer program in Sierra Norte de Puebla for 2 months. I'll be a co-facilitator in the program, woo hoo: http://www.afsc.org/latinamerica/int/mexicosummer.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

North of the equator

USA | Tuesday, 6 Jun 2006 | Views [1713] | Comments [1]

I'm back. Still marvelling at the ease of conducting business in english, and sad by the already obvious decline in my spanish.... but so it goes. and sadly the last spanish I heard was the airplane captain onthe way to Miami fumbling through his normal ... Read more >

Tags: culture, culture shock, miami

scattered notes from Santiago.. and the coast

CHILE | Tuesday, 30 May 2006 | Views [1282] | Comments [1]

staying in the neighborhood of Bellavista, a nice old house, high celing hostal. Charlie, the resident all around worker goes out of his way to make you, well to make me feel welcome. Second night we drank wine and ate cazuela together, a typical chilean ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

chile, very different

CHILE | Thursday, 25 May 2006 | Views [1059]

Well aside from the comfortable, well organized buses, there are many new things about chile that I am noticing... the bread is awesome and crusty. they serve real butter (not the maragarine that most people didnt´know wasnt butter in ecu, peru y bolivia), ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

journey to lima, part 2

PERU | Tuesday, 11 Apr 2006 | Views [1521]

After a one day delay due to the ever present bus strikes, I head out of Cusco with my friend Joey (whose real name is jose anthony trujillo poma quispe--joey is the hendrix sobre nombre)... on our way to lima. We decide to take the economical scenic ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

trip to k´arwi

PERU | Friday, 17 Mar 2006 | Views [1071]

Second trip out to meet with a community, and coordiante-introduce our project. This time with Laura and Lourdes because the guys had to meet with another community. We took the rover, as laura said, mas duro para manejar, pero tambien mas duro para ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

trip to Chillihua (outside of cusco, on the border of Puno)

PERU | Monday, 13 Mar 2006 | Views [2267]

So this entry is preceding the one I started but didn´t make ¨live¨ which talks more about what exactly I´m doing in Cusco, and who is this group called Ayllu Yupaychay (wisdom of the young in quechua) that I am working with (and subsequently living ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Arrived in Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 7 Mar 2006 | Views [845]

After my 13 hour bus ride, I arrived safe and happily in Cusco. For the next month I will based out of the office of this group, Ayllu Yupaychay. For the last 8 or so years they have been working with kids in very remote, rural indigenous communities, ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Carnaval Oruro

BOLIVIA | Monday, 27 Feb 2006 | Views [11764] | Comments [2]

So, after missing all the other Carnaval celebrations in Ecuador and Peru, by what seemed like a a few days.. we decided to make the serious effort to hightail it through Peru to make it to Bolivia for the Carnaval celebrations in Oruro ( http://www.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Dependencia Sexual

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 25 Feb 2006 | Views [1073]

Now that I have your attention... okay so thursday night I am walking in this neighborhood, sopacachi,  and pass the alianza francesa.. they have a big display about upcoming movies, etc.. I pick up a flyer, start to read through it, and recognize ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

museo de guayasamin

ECUADOR | Saturday, 24 Dec 2005 | Views [8660]

Oswaldo Guayasamin  is an ecuadorian painter born in 1919, an d since passed away a few years ago.  A hidden gem in Quito is his foundation which  was started by him and his children about 30 years ago.  as  you can see in the photos, his work is quite ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

my ecuadorian PFA

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 13 Dec 2005 | Views [612]

I found my second home, Ocho y Medio, the art house cinema that shows severals programs daily on 35mm, 16mm and video. From German experimental shorts to French films, Brazilian films,  classics.. several of which have come through the PFA. For $2, Im ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

a good use of the wet wipe

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 13 Dec 2005 | Views [876]

I had an exciting day out in Quito colonial. ALL The city transport is .25 what a deal. although you can walk a good deal in a few hours, as <i have been doing. After taking the trole and getting off at the main plaza (one of many grand plazas in ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

arrived in quito

ECUADOR | Saturday, 10 Dec 2005 | Views [732] | Comments [1]

Well I aM here,my luggage is not, but hopefully I WILL get it tomorrow.  funky keyboard, please excuse the typos... AsI{m driving backfrom the airport last night grafitti covers some of the walls along the main corridor...myeye catches -muerte a bush-... Read more >

Tags: Culture

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