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The little adventures of Jo! Travel with me on my overdue gap year around the world :)


There are [0] photos and [30] stories tagged with "friends".

Museum-ed Out

ITALY | Sunday, 23 Jun 2013 | Views [643]

Today I woke up feeling like I didn't want to get out of bed. I was tired from the day before, spent visiting museum after museum. I had to pack my stuff because my hostel wanted me to switch rooms. So I dragged myself out of bed very slowly and grudgingly.... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, history, museums, sightseeing

Granny Gave Birth!

FRANCE | Saturday, 8 Jun 2013 | Views [554]

After almost missing my train to Perpignan by two minutes yesterday, I gave/had ample time to be at the station for my train to Avignon today. Instead of going around the town, I spent my morning with my new Quebecois friends, Camille and Claudia, waiting ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, trains

Last Day in Paris

FRANCE | Sunday, 26 May 2013 | Views [545]

I have to be honest. I am feeling a little blue today. It feels strange being alone again after having my parents accompany me (sometimes grudgingly because I make them walk too much) for two and a half weeks. Seeing them leave today mean going back ... Read more >

Tags: art, cities, european adventure, food, friends, landmarks, museums, sightseeing

Another Continent Done

BRAZIL | Thursday, 9 May 2013 | Views [407]

Holding back the tears was difficult. There's nothing as hard as leaving people you so quickly and naturally bond with. Thank you for making my  trip! Goodbye Rio. Goodbye Brazil. :(   Goodbye South America - thanks for all the new ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, friends

Viva Brazil

BRAZIL | Wednesday, 8 May 2013 | Views [524]

I feel like I will REALLY leave my heart in this gorgeous country.  Today's breathtaking memory: Dangerously perched at the edge of a rock, watching the waves violently crash and mingle at Joatinga at sunset. It was like watching fireworks but ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, bohemian, brazil, bucket list, cities, food, friends, landmarks, nature, sightseeing

Visiting Iguazu and Beyond

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013 | Views [656]

The Iguazu falls were a spectacle to behold from both sides. Unbelievable in every regard - huge, plenty and powerful - perfectly framed with rainbows and butterflies. It was just as you would picture paradise to be. It reminded me so much of my favourite ... Read more >

Tags: animals, argentina, brazil, buses, cities, crossing borders, food, friends, languages, nature

Living La Vida Boca

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 | Views [1016]

I'm on my way to Iguazu on a 17 hour bus with Via Bariloche. Sitting in a cama seat is like business class on a bus. Leaving Buenos Aires was difficult. I made a wise choice picking Federico's home on AirBnB. Not only was I blown away by his very ... Read more >

Tags: airbnb, argentina, bohemian, buses, cities, dance, food, friends, music, sightseeing

Happy Easter from New York!

USA | Sunday, 31 Mar 2013 | Views [602]

I nearly skipped Easter mass today because I was slightly hesitant about going to a foreign church. I was unsure of how the mass would be, what the parish was like, what the dress code would be, among all the other things a fearful person might wonder ... Read more >

Tags: bucket list, churches, cities, friends, landmarks, music, nights out, public transport, sightseeing, usa

Au Revoir Montréal - je vous aime beaucoup :(

USA | Monday, 25 Mar 2013 | Views [1191]

I left Montréal with a heavy heart. I didn't expect to feel like this especially since my next stop has been my dream for a very long time - New York City. The train ride from Montréal to New York took 12 hours but was pretty scenic.... Read more >

Tags: canada, cities, food, friendly strangers, friends, nature, snow, trains, usa, winter

Snowboarding, hot yoga and a whole lotta food!

CANADA | Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 | Views [656]

It's my last day in Calgary. I have to admit I have not done a lot of walking in the city. In fact, yesterday was the first time I walked around Lindsay's neighbourhood, Bridgelands.   It's been a very chilled out visit to say the least. I've ... Read more >

Tags: canada, cities, food, friendly strangers, friends, nature, old memories, snow, snowboarding, yoga

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