Edinburgh was always meant to be a milestone. I thought it was going to be the site of my 40th birthday party extravaganza but an inexplicable (Word of the week) desire to freeze the nuggets saw me here two months too early. So instead, this journal marks the 200th time I have burdened the internet with my traveling observations and nonsense.
Like all significant things, there is always an exception, and that comes in the form of the Mongolian journals. They were deleted when the novel was written as they read more like a first draft and were letting people read for free the novel that I had slaved over and give away for free anyway. Encompassing the last 9 or so years of travel, the journals have followed numerous trips to Asia, my bike ride from Brisbane to Melbourne, all my moves around Australia, and now my wonderful European jaunt. They have currently been viewed a total of 260907 times making me wish I made more effort to correct all the mistakes. But traveling is more about getting out there and spending money on souvenirs, rather than spending your time in a hostel hunched over a computer.
Feeling that I have said enough already in the 199 previous journals I am going to let Edinburgh speak for itself with some of the amazing pictures I have so far taken of the place. But fear not, I'll never pass up an opportunity to waffle on about a place so more literary nutrition will follow shortly.
But thank you firstly to all of you who have read some, or all of my journals. I do get a lot of joy out of trying to write about my travels in an interesting and humourous way, and failing anything else, I will be happy to have documented proof of all the things I have done, when the way I have often done them catches up with me and I'm old and senile. Your comments, likes and shares have been very much appreciated, and I sincerely hope you are still reading when I write journal 400, and beyond. And now, cop some Edinburgh beauty.