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GPzMike Abroad

August 6, t+111

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 6 Aug 2012 | Views [443]

Paul has arrived and it's helped tremendously. Still not exactly sure what his job description and my job description are. We don't communicate like Matt and I do, but we are learning about each other slowly and he's certainly a go-getter so in the end ... Read more >

July 25, t+99

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2012 | Views [442]

Well it's been a very intense 4 weeks or so. When Matt left I was tasked with running the show and there was just no way to cover everything. I covered an amazing amount of duties, but inevitably things did slip thru. Now that Paul Raddant has arrived ... Read more >

not sure what day it is

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 9 Jul 2012 | Views [425] | Comments [1]

Going crazy but a good crazy. Matt has been gone for some weeks now...feels like months and months. Everything is going great but haven't had time to breath much less blog. My second in command just arrived so in 2 weeks perhaps less I'll be on a mini ... Read more >

Saturday, June 10, t+58

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 11 Jun 2012 | Views [564] | Video

Today was the Paquiau/Bradley fight. Matt Engel is leaving in 5 days and today was also his going away party. Four pigs were killed and prepared as well as a host of other dishes for the party. All the workers and many of their significant ... Read more >

Saturday, June 10, t+58

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 11 Jun 2012 | Views [498] | Video

Today was the Pacquiao/Bradley fight. Matt Engel is leaving in 5 days and today was also his going away party. Four pigs were killed and prepared as well as a host of other dishes for the party. All the workers and many of their significant ... Read more >

Wed June 6, t+54

HAITI | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2012 | Views [402]

Uh oh! My visa is up in 5 days. Crud. Can't fly away right now so I have but one choice: go to the visa office and pay them money to let me overstay my welcome. Was really hoping to take the opportunity to fly to Vietnam and figure out ... Read more >

Photos: Cagayan de Oro, Philippines II

PHILIPPINES | Saturday, 2 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

Fun and work, work and fun...who can tell the difference?
See all 17 photos >>

Videos for your enjoyment

PHILIPPINES | Saturday, 2 Jun 2012 | Views [388]

Hey y'all...here's a couple of vids for your enjoyment. Both should be watched to full enjoyment...in order. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO1JrtyWX7s&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzJj8AKLv_8&feature=youtu.be Cheers! ... Read more >

Thur May 24, t+38

PHILIPPINES | Thursday, 24 May 2012 | Views [448]

Wellllll....crud. It doesn't look like the Mayor plan is going to come together for us. There is, however, another very likely looking site that we are calling 'The Mahogany Forest Site' since it's a mahogany tree plantation at the moment. The trees ... Read more >

May 22, t+36

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 21 May 2012 | Views [508]

Wow, 10 days since the last update...too long. Though I did post up some vids and pix so...well, a picture...1000 words and all that there bullpucky. The past week has seen a lot of rain in the evenings. It's wreaked havoc with our work days as it ... Read more >

A few videos

PHILIPPINES | Tuesday, 15 May 2012 | Views [493]

Just a couple three videos to share. Enjoy! Mike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GOwI_UiTzc&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3vq0tuulgw&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euwvj2yX3Ng&feature=plcp

Photos: Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

PHILIPPINES | Sunday, 13 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

Project CDO
See all 23 photos >>

May 12, Saturday, t+26

PHILIPPINES | Saturday, 12 May 2012 | Views [464]

Travis is gone. He was the last of the other site supervisors on project. Nate leave shortly. Matt is still trying to decide. An me? Working very hard to get a handle on all of it. Right now trying to design an inventory tracking system in Excel ... Read more >

May 7, t+21

PHILIPPINES | Monday, 7 May 2012 | Views [526] | Comments [1]

I had housecleaning duty today. Today is Monday. Monday is a deep clean day: aptly named 'Deep Clean Monday'. Sweep and mop under bunks is the biggest part of it. That means everyone has to pick up everything off the floor and put it on their bunks if ... Read more >

May 5, t+19

PHILIPPINES | Saturday, 5 May 2012 | Views [666]

Today is Saturday. Every other Saturday the international volunteers have the day off. Today is that day. The local work force, however, continues working. Therefore, some staff must carry on on these days. Today I and Matt Engel took the AM shift and ... Read more >

Tue, May 1, t+15

PHILIPPINES | Tuesday, 1 May 2012 | Views [433] | Comments [2]

Okay, for those that didn't hear about it: I admitted myself to the hospital last week. I had been feeling like poop and while they didn't initially find anything wrong, the Doc was worried enough about my condition that they wanted me to return the ... Read more >

t+10 Mike is sick - posted on behalf of Mike by his dad

PHILIPPINES | Saturday, 28 Apr 2012 | Views [440]

Hi.  This is Dean, Mike's dad.  We just heard from the building programs lead for All Hands in the Philippines that Mike has been sick and in the hospital for the past couple of days, diagnosed with Dengue fever (not Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which would ... Read more >

Wed, April 25, t+9

HAITI | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012 | Views [424] | Comments [1]

9 days is it? Yikes. Feels like 4 or 5. I'm sick as a dog. Really bad congestion in my lungs, fevery/burning skin, running nose, headache...all the good things. Been down for 2 days. If I'm not feeling able to work tomorrow I will go to the hospital ... Read more >

Monday April 23, t+7

HAITI | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012 | Views [455] | Comments [1]

Yesterday was my day off. Laid around in bed until 8 or so then had some Peet's and hooked up with Andy. He was heading home early and I hopped a ride with him to SM Mall which is on the way to the airport. Andy is a really nice guy of 73. As he put ... Read more >

April 20, t+5

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 20 Apr 2012 | Views [399] | Comments [2]

Another challenging day, but slightly better than yesterday. Body still feeling quite off kilter. It helped that a wind and bit of cloud cover came in this afternoon. Raining here now...nothing bad or crazy, just some good ole rain. Had to apply ... Read more >

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