Okay, for those that didn't hear about it: I admitted myself to the hospital last week. I had been feeling like poop and while they didn't initially find anything wrong, the Doc was worried enough about my condition that they wanted me to return the following day for another CBC (Complete Blood Count). I decided rather than return and keep sleeping in hot, close quarters with others it might make more sense to stay in the hospital where there was a better chance of me healing and getting healthy.
As it turned out that was the right call: I was finally diagnosed with Dengue. This is a mosquito transmitted illness. Generally, there are 4 strains and from what I've read it's fine to get...once. At subsequent infections the risk for contracting the ugly stepchild, Dengue hemorrhagic fever, increases - but only if you get one of the other strains. Since you build a resistance to a strain once you've gotten it, it's likely that any subsequent contractions will be from one of the other strains. With Dengue hemorrhagic fever the body can start bleeding and bruising as there is a loss of platelets, and low presence of oxygen in the blood as well as other blood oriented failures. It's actually a bit scary:
"With early and aggressive care, most patients recover from dengue hemorrhagic fever. However, half of untreated patients who go into shock do not survive."
So: I am wearing plenty of mossy repellant and long pants as well.
I am doing fine now and on the mend. I will be on light duty for the remainder of this week then, pending clearance by my Doc, will return to full duty next week.
I am trying to get a handle on the inventory/money trails around here. Perhaps I'm in over my head, perhaps I'm too old school in my thinking, perhaps I'm steeped in the newest methods for thinking about this sort of business type stuff: I'm having a hard time following the data streams on this project. It's just gonna take me a long time to get my head wrapped around all of it. The difficulty is that improvements and changes are taking place to the systems and methods I'm still unclear of and that leaves me exponentially falling behind.
I think I work best when I'm in on the founding of the work so I have a sense of the thread of evidence, an understanding of 'how we got here from there'. In order for me to understand how 'here' works I really need that background of intelligence.
I've got a long and winding road ahead (I think there's a song in there somewhere!).