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Freedom Elaine's journey home......

Monterey and San Fran!

USA | Thursday, 30 October 2008 | Views [1480]

So well, its been a while and really ive no excuse bar the fact that i can't load up my photes at all here, which is a pain :( i have loads to show you all but no way of getting them up online. So i feel a story without the pics is no fun at all.

So i'll try and update you all with my adventures since Santa Barbara.  So after chating with the guys in the hostel, i decided on Monterey which is sleepy fishing village on the coast halfway between santa Barbara and San fran. I got the train up which was cool and very comfortable, much nicer than the bus and now walk between the hostel to it (as of course the hostel is next door to the station... a common occurance on my travels) So i arrive in Monterey with no idea how to get to my hostel. and get talking to Elisabeth a Qubecian (Canadian french speaker). Between us and a lovely old lady on the bus who gave us excellent directions we found our way to the VERY quiet and laid back hostel. When we were checking in, a queue of 7 guys turned up and the guy just kept on talking slowly as though there wasn't a rush in the world. Actually even after settling into our dorm and unpacking and heading upstairs to cook dinner, the 7 lads were still checking in! Im all for laid back, but thats just slow...

Well what can i tell you about Monterey...ITS COLD HERE! we went for what we were told was a scenic walk around the coast... It looked just like Howth or portmarnock. Very much like home, and to top it off it was misty and cold Brrrrr! So after what the dude in the hostel said was an 2 hour walk (it took us a stroll for an hour) we decided to head down town! this to americans means two things, shops and starbucks! so we saw all the candy and seaside town tack you could shake a stick at. Deciding that really anymore time surrounded by the tourists and the tack we would loose our minds we decided to opt for a visit to the aquarium... which i must admit is a dam site better than the one in Bray if any of you have had the chance to visit our national aquarium... i have pics to show yo yet no connection, so you'll have to hold tight a little longer.

we then made our way via a mix of buses and trains to San Fran after paying slightly less than we should of on the trin and Elisabeth pulling the i dont speak english card. San Fran is a lovely city, i liked the minute i got here. The energy and life of the place appeals to me, plus i was comparing it with LA... its no hard to beat! So for the last few days myself and Elisabeth have explored the multitude of areas and forms of public transport (she's a public transport Engineer)

im getting really tired, so im going to finish this story tomorrow! Tis the election day and also the day before i head out to Kauai!!!! how excited am i!!!!! loving it! so i'll chat more tomorrow, i might even put up pictures

So I am back... and its my last few hours on the mainland and Obama has just won the white house... this place is alive with people on the steeets screaming and celebrating his win. tis great to be here at this time of huge change. it really marks a step forward in uniting our world for change and peace.

So what have i done over the past few days... well i did the usual tourist haunts and tours which were great, it rained alot over the last few days except for today, so i was feeling a little disappointed with that. Too much like home if you ask me! Went to Yosemite on sunday which was cool. It was very foggy and rainy early on in the day, when i get to load up my photos you can see the clouds all around me. Over the day it got clearer and the pics get better. Went to see the grand Sequoias whci were over 3000 yrs old. they are amzing trees and really have an energy all of their own.  Its sad to think there are so few of them left now, we are loosing such an amount of our ancient knowledge.  The trees themselves felt so different from one to the other, so were strong and felt very masculine and others very feminine and protective of the earth. I was so pleased to see them as a few of you may know i am a tree hugger and advacate at heart!

So we headed off to Alcatraz on monday. That was serene, it felt like a place filled with dispare and hopelessness. Im glad i went but i really dont want ot return.  I found myself practicing the Ho’oponopono practice of repeating "I love you, i am sorry, please forgive me" I dont know if that cleared any energy there but it made me feel alot clearer and better while walking around the prison. I really do hope that when people go visit this site they are struck by how we treat each other as human beings, both in prisons and the acts that cause these prisons to be put in place. And that now more than ever, forgiveness and peace is required to shift us forward as a race to a more free and enlightened race. for more info see:


One thing that i didn't know about alcatraz was the fact that it was indians occupied Alcatraz between 1969 to 1971.  this for me was the most interesting part of the tour. It really was a huge call out and point of change for the Natives of America to reclaim their history and culture and stand up for themselves against the government.  It really inspired me to stand up for change now and knowing htat we need people to stand upa nd stand out beyond the norm to achieve change. have a look if your interested.


So its now getting late and i have to go up and pack my bag and have a shower before heading to bed for a few hours before i get up at 5 to get my flight out in the morning to Kauai. Im so excited about it now! I cant belive im finally heading there... so you shall here from me soon and hopefully i can put my photos online there, ive so  much to show you all..

Love and blessings


Tags: alcatraz, cities, fog, rain, san fran, yosemite



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