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Freedom Elaine's journey home......

Ive escaped LA!!!!!!!! thank GOD

USA | Sunday, 26 October 2008 | Views [1054] | Comments [2]

Well, ive been quiet for a few days mostly cos i couldn't bring myself to talk! Well, where to start.... Lets go with where i left it off with photos... I went to Bryce with Roser as our last stop in our arizona and Utahion adventure! Bryce, is lovely, yet, it was lacking something... i think posssibly both Roser and i were still knackered after our hike of the Grand Canyon and were not in the right frame of mind for yet more scenery! Anyways i have loads of fab pics, yet i cant share any of them with you as there is no connector here in the hostel :(

So our drive back was how shall i say it... Adventurous......and posssibly the most terrifying thing both Roser and i have ever done! We got a tip for a guide in Zion national park that there was a short cut from Bryce to a town called Page on our way back to Flagstaff. The moral of the story is never listen to a random stranger most of all a Texan,  give you advice about a short cut through the utah desert!!!!! Never ever! Well i really should of known when he started talking, my insides started to wrench and i though oh its just cos he's showing off to Roser about planes (she works for Airbus on the A380) yet now i know it was about the dangerous road he told us to take. Let me just say untill i can load up my photos of the nothingness that surrounded us for 2 hours... that there was nothing but a dirt track out in the wilds of utah! now dont get me wrong, it was stunning scenery and it would of been great fun in a 4*4 drive (*which we didn't have). but for two girls in a rent a car with no reception.... Foolish behaviour and not something i will ever partake in again!  Mind you it does have to be said that i did do a tremdous amount of praying during the trip and i did get answers from my guides and angels that alll would be OK and they were looking out for both of us. This is the only positive from our 2 hour ordeal, which i feel probably scaired Roser more than me, who was very happy to be going home the next day!

So fast forward an overnight train to LA from Flagstaff and you find me in LA land just of hollywood ave. right around the corner to the chinese theater and all the stars in the pathway. I may as well be honest. I hated every minute of it, i didn't feel at all safe and the roads were filthy and seedy as.... deffo a miss for next time! The hostel was nice however, if a little strange! I spent all day on the internet looking at flights to Hawaii and hiring a car for the he next while to get to san fran yosemite (no idea how you spell that). So after all day seaching i thought i had hit on a bargan and went off early morning to LAX to pick up what i thought was going to be my bargin car!!! NOT the case! it cost $900... RIP oFF!!!!So needless to say feeling rather degected i headed back to LAX. and looked up the free internet re accomadation near the airport, as i was really debating getting a flight out there and then to anywhere that wasn't LA even dublin in its coldness was sounding rather appealing. So i found this cheep hotel/backparker spot near LAX and got a room and a free shuttle to it from LAX.  So needless to say i was feeling awful and rather sorry for myself so after a rather early morning call home, i decided that santa barbara was my next stop and that all would be ok.

So the next morning i headed of to the LAX bus station and waited and waited for the poxy bus to turn up.... It wasn't running on a Sunday! So tears insued, for around 20 mins, while a random old alcholic lady gave me a hug and patted my back while i cryied my heart out as to why i couldn't seem to leave LA. So after what seemed like an age,i got on a bus to Downtown LA where the Greyhound station was.... Or a least i thougt so there were two options when i booked online, and i was despiratly hoping that i got the right one. So after what seemed like an age and a walk through an area, i would rather forget, i got to the greyhound station, with minutes to spare for my bus to Santa Barbara... And thankfully i was at the right spot and on i hopped!  So of i went on my first greyhound bus to Santa Barbara! And i must admit i fell asleep for the whole trip, i think emotional exhaustion was the main reason.

So i wake up and im in Santa Barbara, a beautiful town and finally my spirits lift and i feel like everything can be OK after all.

So i spent my first night in a mixed Dorm... Rosa, i though of you... and your adive about the PJ's good shout! Im glad i took your advice. :)

So Santa Barbara is a lovely spot and i really enjoyed my day here, spent the mornign booking my flight to Hawaii. Im heading out on wed 5th to Kauai. Cant wait... Very excited! then the rest of the afternoon i spent at the beach sunbathing... just cos i could! Loving it! Then went on what i thought was a short walk around the "Senic Drive"... it may be a short drive but its a long walk!!!! and the map failed to mention the small mountain half way around the walk. But the bonus was i can arcoss a lovely supermarket where i picked up some fresh spinach and eggs... so i had a lovely cheesy omlete for dinner...Yum!!!! Love it! So tomorrow im off ont he train to Sallinas and Monterey, so yet more adventures lie ahead... Keep tuned in.

I love to here from all of you, please do keep in touch, missin all of you guys. Chat soon,

E xxx


Tags: bryce, la, santa barbara, scary roads



Hiya sweetheart, Very glad you are out of LA! Just know that you will be taken care of. I just keep surrounding you with love and light and all my prayers. Enjoy Monterey, your Dad & I stayed there.
Love & hugs

  Anne Daly Oct 30, 2008 5:51 AM


Hiya!Ah yes, the mixed dorm, nothing like a few random blokes sleeping and dressing and undressing just beside where you are lying to make you want to put on your most Granny pyjamas!
It all sounds wonderful, I love the desert, pity you couldnt enjoy it more!Still plenty of time for that! Thinking of you lots, are you ready....for more adventures, looks like you have a heap of them ahead of you. Rosa.X

  Rosa Nov 3, 2008 1:10 AM



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