This morning was foggy! We walked to Margaret Island which is in the middle of the Danube and a great oasis. Rented two monster rollers for a ride around the park. As we were there before the crowd we got to hoon around on these electric scooter things. It was a hoot – except for forgetting to be on the correct side of the road. Very few cars out there so not a major issue. Later, on foot and still on the island, we explored some medieval ruins of a Dominical Nunnery where we found the grave of St Margaret. Then off to Vienna by train where much of the trip we were in fog. Checked into our hotel and went straight back out to the U-Bahn and off to the Muth Theatre hoping we might score a ticket to the Vienna Boys Choir – and were lucky. It was excellent – I know I am stating the obvious, but they can really sing. We had an hour of just the boys, then an hour of the boys accompanied by an orchestra – with half time where we were given a free glass of champagne. A truly excellent evening.