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There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "beaches".

Around Buenos Aires: Mar del Plata and Colonia del Sacramento

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 15 Dec 2011 | Views [2236] | Comments [1]

As mentioned in my previous blog, we loved Buenos Aires. Another nice attraction of Buenos Aires is the amount of places within a relatively short distance. We didn’t make it to the well-spoken-of Tigre, but we did head down the coast to Mar del Plata ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, beaches, south america, uruguay

Colombia – So Much More than Beautiful Women and Loads of People Trying to Sell Drugs

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 21 Jul 2011 | Views [2328]

In recent years, Colombia has become a bit of a tourist mecca and with damn good reason. After sailing from Panama, we arrived in Cartagena – our favourite city so far. We got a comically small taxi from the dock to the old city, and after a bit of ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, colombia, paragliding

Honduras - Great Diving, Stupid Currency. Also, you can stay at a Brewery!

HONDURAS | Thursday, 9 Jun 2011 | Views [2073]

After overspending time in Mexico and Guatemala, we were limited with our time available for Honduras. After 5 Mayan ruins, we figured the Copan ruins weren’t going to show us much we hadn’t seen before, so decided to undertake the epic journey from ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, diving, honduras, rafting

Mexico - What Mayan Ruin is Best for Me? and other stories

MEXICO | Saturday, 30 Apr 2011 | Views [2064]

The last couple of weeks have been spent on the Yucatan Peninsula and Chiapas regions of southern Mexico. These areas are famous for beaches (especially Cancun), Mayan ruins, cave diving, being hot and old Spanish settlements. Our travels took us from ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, cenotes, mexico, ruins

Photos: Mexico - the Yucatan Peninsula and Chiapas

MEXICO | Saturday, 30 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Beaches, ruins, towns and cenotes abound
See all 96 photos >>

Tags: beaches, mexico, ruins

Coral Coast, Fiji

FIJI | Monday, 20 Sep 2010 | Views [691]

We're coming up to our last couple of days in Fiji, it should be pretty hectic as soon as we hit Canada. The current plan is to hit Seattle and Vancouver when we arrive, and head north after interviews. There has been insane swell here the last couple ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, fishing, sport

Some more Fiji Times

FIJI | Thursday, 16 Sep 2010 | Views [1072] | Comments [1]

So anyways, we are still in Fiji. Fiji is totally pretty awesome. In all honesty, the beaches are probably not as good as Western Australian beaches, but the water is really warm, and that is a nice thing. Also, the Fiji Fijians are cool guys, and accomplished ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, sunsets

Leaving Perth; Nadi, Fiji

FIJI | Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 | Views [864]

Well, we got away from Perth all good. Preparations went up right until the last second, but an excellent run into the airport meant that we ended up with time to burn; just as well as we hadn't really done our goodbyes to Bron's family. This oversight ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, fiji

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