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Return to Patagonia; or The Ballad of Sam, Claire, Lena, Jacob, Bron and Elis

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012 | Views [2099]

From our trip to the deepest of souths in the Americas, we made our way back up. Beginning in Puerto Natales to see the world famous Torres del Paine National Park, we continued up to El Calafate, El Chalten and then west into Puerto Varas. Torres ... Read more >

Photos: Patagonia Part 2

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 1 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

El Calafate, El Chalten and Puerto Varas
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Homage to Patagonia

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 31 Dec 2011 | Views [2314]

Since we arrived in Argentina, a lot of Argentinians have been asking us if we were planning to visit Patagonia. I guess that Patagonia is for Argentinians what the Outback is for Australians – a large, sparsely inhabited area, where life can be tough ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, chile, fauna, hiking, patagonia

Photos: Patagonia Part 1

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 27 Dec 2011 | Photo Gallery

Bariloche, Puerto Madryn and Ushuaia
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Around Buenos Aires: Mar del Plata and Colonia del Sacramento

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 15 Dec 2011 | Views [2236] | Comments [1]

As mentioned in my previous blog, we loved Buenos Aires. Another nice attraction of Buenos Aires is the amount of places within a relatively short distance. We didn’t make it to the well-spoken-of Tigre, but we did head down the coast to Mar del Plata ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, beaches, south america, uruguay

Photos: Mar del Plata and a night in Uruguay

URUGUAY | Wednesday, 30 Nov 2011 | Photo Gallery

Visiting our pals Mattias and Maria, and 24 hours in Colonia
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Photos: Buenos Aires. Ironically polluted, but still incredible.

ARGENTINA | Monday, 14 Nov 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Being one-60,000th of a Professional Soccer Player, and Other Adventures in Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Monday, 14 Nov 2011 | Views [2342]

Buenos Aires sure was a head-spinning week or so. We watched a game of soccer in a crowd famous for being the most fanatical and passionate in the world; we attended a local birthday at probably the biggest house we’ve ever been inside (as a guest);... Read more >

Tags: argentina, buenos aires, sport, tattoo

Brazil - It's Big

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011 | Views [2256] | Comments [1]

After a longer than planned stay at Puerto Iguazu waiting for our Brazilian visas, we crossed into Brazil. All of a sudden, our hard earned Spanish was next to useless, as the language turned to Portuguese (I bitched about this until I realised that ... Read more >

Northern Argentina: Shake Hands with Beef

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 3 Nov 2011 | Views [1905] | Comments [1]

Coming from the intensity of Potosi in particular, and 3-odd months in Peru and Bolivia, Argentina seemed a bit of an oasis. The roads weren’t terrible, you could (safely) drink the water, butchers decided to spring that bit of extra cash on refrigeration ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, waterfalls

Photos: Brazil

BRAZIL | Thursday, 3 Nov 2011 | Photo Gallery

Our time in Sao Paulo and Rio
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Bolivia, Potosi: And You Think Your Job Sucks

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011 | Views [1825]

After a 2 night monster bus trip from Huaraz, Peru to La Paz in Bolivia, we stopped for a day of rest to send some packages, eat ice cream and drink beer. From there, we were back onto another night bus en route to Potosi. Potosi is historically one ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, potosi

Photos: Argentina: The North

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

Cowboys, Jesuits and Waterfalls. And meat.
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Photos: Back to Bolivia: Potosi

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

Our flying return trip through Bolivia, stopping at the world's deadliest mine, Potosi.
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Peru, Huaraz – Touching an Area Near Something Sort of Voidish?

PERU | Friday, 21 Oct 2011 | Views [2423] | Comments [1]

After our horror afternoon and night in Lima, we got the first bus possible the next morning to head to Huaraz, where we were looking at undertaking a couple of hikes within the Andes. We arrived late in the evening and made our way to a comfortable ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, mountains, peru

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Peru in Parts: Part 1 – Arequipa, Cusco and a Day of Hell in Lima

PERU | Friday, 7 Oct 2011 | Views [19267] | Comments [7]

We ended up spending considerably longer in Peru than we’d intended, with hiking taking up the vast majority of the time. To try and avoid an overly cluttered entry, I’ve split Peru into two. This blog will tackle Arequipa, Cusco and Lima, and all ... Read more >

Photos: Peru - Huaraz and the Cordillera Huayhuash

PERU | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

A big 9 days in 8 trek without guides or donkeys through the incredible Cordillera Huayhuash, one of the most beautiful hikes in the world
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Photos: Peru - Huaraz and the Cordillera Blanca

PERU | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

Our hike through the Santa Cruz trek in the Cordillera Blanca
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Photos: Peru - Cusco, the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu

PERU | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

One of the world's most famous hikes - it lives up to its rep!
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Photos: Peru - Arequipa, Chachani and Colca Canyon

PERU | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

Floating around fun Arequipa, climbing my first 6000m mountain and dropping into one of the world's deepest canyons
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