New Plymouth (Farm # 6)
NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 3 March 2008 | Views [944] | Comments [2]
I just discovered that I can get free and fast internet in the library and it has been a beautiful, beautiful thing. Today was my last work day at Barbara Hammonds house. Tomorrow morning I head to Taranaki. It has been a lovely few days. My projects have included: collecting bamboo from the side of the road, painting the house, digging potatoes, composting and mulching, making tree barriers, and ironing. The house is right by the coast and within walking distance of the city so I've spent my afternoons walking by the water, swimming in the Tasman, and looking in shops in New Plymouth. There is going to be a world music festival here next week and I wish I could be here for it, but I'll be in Wellington just in time for the fringe festival (arts and theatre). New Plymouth reminds me somewhat of Portland: near the water, near the mountains, green, rainy and quarky. I haven't found a Voodoo doughnuts yet, but otherwise its a pretty nice town. There is access to some nice surfing and mountain climbing. Barbara, my host, works for the New Plymouth Regional Council, which monitors city environmental concerns. They just recently were able to protect a large chunck of coastline, which is exciting, and I have been learning about some of the city's power problems. I have also had some delicious meals and have learned how to make Pesto, bread that's not made in a breadmaker, yogurt, and a delicious Indian curry. Today I walked into town and had a look at the museum. There was a nice exhibit on the relationship between humans and land here in the Taranaki region. Well, I know this wasn't a very interesting entry, compared with skydiving and such but I felt I should take advantage of the free internet! It is rainy and windy out and the Tasman is rough. After 5 days in Egmont I'll spend a few days with another family in a town near here and then head down to Wellington South Island on the 17th!
the tasman sea
Tags: Work