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Roman ruins of Tarragona

SPAIN | Friday, 8 Oct 2010 | Views [1692]

I managed to buy a ticket from Passeig de Gracia to Tarragona without too much trouble, but did get a bit worried when it seemed the train wasn’t making any stops and I thought we may be going straight to Valencia. Luckily it did stop in Tarragona on ... Read more >

Tags: amphitheater, roman ruins, tapas, tarragona

Walking tour of Barcelona

SPAIN | Wednesday, 6 Oct 2010 | Views [468]

Today I joined two German girls I'd met at the hostel, Liza & Stephi, for our own little walking tour up to La Sagrada Familia, the famous Gaudi designed church that is as yet to be finished and another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Steph read ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, beach, gaudi, parc guell, tapas

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