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Roon the Globe Nadia's trip around the world in 365 days :)

Trip: Round the World in 365 days

There are [82] stories from my trip: Round the World in 365 days

A taste of the Pantanal - our wetlands adventure!

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 4 Jul 2016 | Views [519]

So it's been a few days since we left The Pantanal for Sao Paulo and about time I updated my blog! I've not had much downtime in SP as we only had 2 full days due to travel arrangements. We probably only covered about 5% of this beast of a city but seen ... Read more >

Tags: animals, birdwatching, brazil, caiman, farms, horseriding, jungle, pantanal, wetlands

Somewhere over the rainbow lies Iguazu..

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 30 Jun 2016 | Views [549]

This is the first day I've actually had some down time and not written my blog on a bus / plane or airport en route to the next place! I just wanted to post a quick update on possibly my favourite place yet...Iguazu Falls or Foz Do Iguaçu (Brazilian) ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, brazil, iguazu falls, nature, scenic, walks, waterfalls

On the hunt for Chivitos in Uruguay

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 26 Jun 2016 | Views [563]

Arriving in Uruguay was a stark contrast from Buenos Aires considering it's only 1 hour by ferry. It's a very green place with lots of farmland and reminded me much of home, seeming like a world away from the hectic, dirty city we had just left. The ... Read more >

Tags: chivito, colonia, ferry, la rambla, milanese, montevideo, south america, uruguay

Bonita Buenos Aires

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 22 Jun 2016 | Views [579] | Comments [1]

It was our first super early start this morning to get the ferry from BA to Montevideo at 9am. We're now en route so it's given me time to talk about our first few days in the city, which has been non stop!   We landed in a fogged-over city ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, buenos aires, city, meat, south america, uruguay

Roon the Globe the opposite direction..

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 18 Jun 2016 | Views [705]

It's been a long time coming but i am finally getting to fulfil my dream of reaching the continent of South America. This was something i wanted to do as part of my trip 5 years ago but just didn't have the time or funds to manage it. So here i am, ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, backpacking, brazil, flashpacking, south america, travel, uruguay

Back to the Shire..Reflecting on my Tour of the Globe

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 29 Jul 2011 | Views [789] | Comments [4]

I've been thinking about writing my final blog of this trip for the last 2 weeks. How on Earth am i meant to summarise 10 and a half months travelling and working my way through 3 continents? Seeing hundreds of sights, trying dozens of varieties of food, ... Read more >

En Route to the Grand Canyon

USA | Thursday, 30 Jun 2011 | Views [493]

On the Friday we had to head to the airport to pick up our car which we'd be spending the next 2.5 weeks driving around the West coast in..it was a nice silver Ford Focus, bigger than we expected and had aircon..thankfully! I had actually been finding ... Read more >

Tags: grand canyon, joshua tree, sedona

LA - land of tacos & plastic faces

USA | Friday, 24 Jun 2011 | Views [451]

I arrived in LA about 1pm after an overnight flight from Fiji, the queue to get through security and pick up my baggage was ridiculously long as suspected so i never actually made it to my hostel til around 4.30pm. I was staying in the Venice neighbourhood ... Read more >

Tags: los angeles, usa

Kiaora New Zealand..it's been a pleasure!

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 10 Jun 2011 | Views [778] | Comments [1]

I'm on my flight to Fiji and thought i would make use of the 3 hour flight to update you on my last few days in New Zealand. After the only negative part of my time here in Tauranga, i made the best decision ever to head up the Coromandel Peninsula ... Read more >

Tags: auckland, north island, whitianga

Rotorua..the eggy city!

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 5 Jun 2011 | Views [719]

On the road heading from Taupo to Rotorua you can see all the signs of what is going under the ground beneath with all of the steam rising out from random areas in the fields. I loved the wee bus driver cos he was giving us so many facts about the area ... Read more >

Tags: rotorua

10 Loves About Solo Travelling

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 1 Jun 2011 | Views [474]

After reading my 10 hates about travel you might think i'm being a bit negative..but not to worry there have been lots of things i have loved about the last 9 and a bit months too. So much so that they outweight the negatives by a large amount so here ... Read more >

Tags: top 10 loves about solo travelling

Napier, Art Deco & Lake Taupo

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 30 May 2011 | Views [459]

I'm about a week behind on my blog so pretty much just a quick one what i done in Napier and Taupo (considering it wasn't all that exciting). It was around a 5 hour journey to get from Wellington to Napier, but there wasn't much in between that i wanted ... Read more >

Tags: napier, north island, taupo

10 Hates About Solo Travelling

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 29 May 2011 | Views [537]

People always write about the amazing things when they travel, nobody at home gets to see the other side of the coin. Since i've been on the go for 9 months travelling now, i think i'm just about qualified to write about both sides of my trip. I couldn't ... Read more >

Tags: 10 things to hate about solo travelling, round the world, top ten

Welcome to Wellywood!

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 29 May 2011 | Views [595]

I hopped off the ferry in Wellington - the much disputed capital of New Zealand. I didn't have very high expectations for the city as people had told me only to spend 1 or 2 nights there but i was pleasantly surprised at how nice a wee city it was. ... Read more >

Tags: new zealand, north island, wellington

Non-Adventures in Nelson

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 26 May 2011 | Views [545] | Comments [1]

After a great 3 days in Kaikoura it was time to move on Northwards and i decided to head to Nelson which is a pretty central town at the top of the South Island. En route we passed through wine country Marlborough and it was fields full of grapevines ... Read more >

Tags: nelson, new zealand, south island

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