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Roon the Globe Nadia's trip around the world in 365 days :)


There are [0] photos and [9] stories about Australia

Sydney - Take 2 with the 'rents

Tuesday, 10 May 2011 | Views [358]

Following an extremely tiring 30 hour trip halfway back around the world from Madrid to Sydney..i arrived back first thing in the morning feeling subhuman. Unfortunately i hadn't seen my last of public transport and had another 2 buses and a ferry to ... Read more >

Your fate is in your own hands!

Monday, 4 Apr 2011 | Views [760] | Comments [1]

I've almost forgotten how to write a blog, it's been so long. So i thought when better to give an update than when a lot of changes are taking place - it's the day before my 27th birthday and my last week living in Sydney.  I have developed a bit of ... Read more >

Tags: sydney, world trip

Taking Risks..

Tuesday, 1 Mar 2011 | Views [336]

To laugh is to risk looking like a fool. To weep is to risk seeming sentimental. To reach out to another is to risk committing. To expose your ideas and dreams with others, is to risk losing them. To love is to risk not being loved in return.... Read more >

Tags: motivational quotes

Wee Sydney Update..

Thursday, 3 Feb 2011 | Views [312] | Comments [1]

Hi! I don't have all that much to update on so this is really just a "Hello i'm still alive" to people who aren't on Facebook! The last few weeks in Sydney have completely flown in and i can't believe it's February already :) although i don't ... Read more >

Photos: Hogmanay in Sydney

Saturday, 1 Jan 2011 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Merry Christmas..Everyone!!!

Friday, 24 Dec 2010 | Views [458] | Comments [3]

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone, who hasn't already seen my e-card on Facebook especially. Hope everyone has a great time, Santa is good to you and you all eat and drink plenty :) Spending my first Christmas away from home is going to ... Read more >

The Last Leg - Byron Bay to Sydney

Thursday, 23 Dec 2010 | Views [364] | Comments [1]

I probably should have updated this a few days ago cos i have pretty much forgotten alot about Byron Bay even though it was only a week ago! One of my favourite places as it was so chilled out, a bit of a hippy town and a beautiful beach. I was staying ... Read more >

Brisbane via Noosa..

Tuesday, 14 Dec 2010 | Views [375]

I've really been putting off this update because i don't have a great amount to talk about but here goes! We arrived in Noosa on Friday after a short couple of hours drive from Rainbow Beach and it was lovely and sunny. Unfortunately the hostel i was ... Read more >

Fraser Island..Goon-giggles in Paradise

Saturday, 11 Dec 2010 | Views [410] | Comments [3]

I don't like to over exaggerate but i think my trip to Fraser Island was one of the best 3 days i've had on my adventure so far.. Perfect scenery, idyllic weather, good banter and people..plus alcohol = fun times! We arrived at Rainbow Beach where ... Read more >



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