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10 Loves About Solo Travelling

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 1 June 2011 | Views [475]

After reading my 10 hates about travel you might think i'm being a bit negative..but not to worry there have been lots of things i have loved about the last 9 and a bit months too. So much so that they outweight the negatives by a large amount so here we go..

1. Freedom

You can do whatever you like, whenever you like, pretty much every day. There's no-one else to consider and you can be as selfish as you like since it's your own time.

2. People

It's the best way to meet interesting and like-minded people where all stereotypes are cast aside. People are living out-with their normal context and are generally more fun to be around without the normal stresses of life.

3. Food

You can try authentic foods in whichever country you are in in the World. Everywhere has a speciality and the best for me by far has been masaman curry in Thailand.

4. Landscapes

It's amazing how every country looks so different and so do the areas within it. I rarely fall asleep when travelling on the road because you miss so much of what's going on outside the window! Places can give you a culture shock like in Cambodia or they can remind you of home like in New Zealand.

5. Photographs

Professional, amateur or just for the memories, you can always find something new and exciting to take photographs of when you are on the go. Most of the time you don't even need to edit them because the subject is naturally perfect already.

6. Challenges

Everyday you feel a sense of adventure because you are somewhere new. Depending on the country obviously the challenges can be greater, things as simple as ordering a meal can be difficult when no-one speaks English. People might laugh when i say this but travelling is hard work, trying to co-ordinate how to get from A to B, where to stay and what to do within budget and within your time constraints if you have any.


Finding a really good hostel is always a bonus, they are really the cheapest places to stay and best places to meet people if you're on your own.

Most of them offer the bare minimum of a bed, a shower and kitchen facilities but if you spend some time looking or take recommendations you can find some really great ones with free extras. Some of the better ones i've stayed in have free unlimited wifi, free breakfast, free tea & coffee, free chocolate pudding, TV/DVDs, hooks (alot of places have nowhere to hang things and it's a simple thing!), a locker in your room, a bedside lamp, mini locker and plug socket at the head of the bunk, a hairdryer, oil & herbs in the kitchen.

8. Self-image

This is something which becomes less and less important the longer you are away from home because people never judge you on what you are wearing like they do back home. It's great to be able to go outside in the oldest, wrinkliest clothes with your hair sticking up everywhere, no makeup on or shoes and know that no-one is going to bat an eye-lid (well most of the time!)

9. No Work

quite self-explanatory, there's no job to go to everyday, no 9-5 rat race, therefore no stress!

10. Weather

You get to experience alot of different climates which can be really extreme when you compare them to back home. For me, the sunshine wins everytime and i find places alot more beautiful in the sun. However there are also times when hot, sticky weather can become too much, especially in big cities and you actually enjoy a bit of rain aswell so it goes both ways really.

Tags: top 10 loves about solo travelling



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