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Roon the Globe Nadia's trip around the world in 365 days :)

Trip: Round the World in 365 days

There are [82] stories from my trip: Round the World in 365 days

Siem Reap & Angkor Temples

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 | Views [326] | Comments [4]

I'm writing this after an early rise at 5am to go and see the sunrise at Angkor Wat which is a bit of an institution if you come here to visit! Siem Reap is the town where people stay whilst visiting the Angkor Temples as it's only a few km away and ... Read more >

Photos: Day 3: Sunrise at Angkor Wat

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Photos: Day 2: Angkor Thom & Prohm Bakheng (by bike!!)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Photos: Day 1: Angkor Temples Grand Circuit

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Photos: Phnom Penh..short & sweet

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 16 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Phnom Penh..short & sweet

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 15 Sep 2010 | Views [386] | Comments [1]

Just a quickie to say i have arrived in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia.. Flight was a bit turbulent cos it was a short one and I also thought i was going to be in some sort of accident en route to my guesthouse!! Note to self - DO NOT ride in the front ... Read more >

In the jungle..the mighty jungle!

THAILAND | Sunday, 12 Sep 2010 | Views [383] | Comments [4]

Friday morning was a pretty early start for my 2 day hilltribe trek adventure. To be honest i didn't really know what i was getting myself into and just signed up to do it as it seems most people travelling in the north of Thailand do these types of ... Read more >

Photos: In the jungle..the mighty jungle!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 12 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

Hilltribe trek from Chiang Mai to stay with the Lahu tribe
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Photos: Temples n Tigers

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 9 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Temples 'n' Tigers

THAILAND | Thursday, 9 Sep 2010 | Views [451] | Comments [6]

Yesterday i moved from the extreme luxury of a swimming pool and air-con just outside the city, to an absolute flea-pit of a hostel within the moat area of Chiang Mai which had a pillow made of bricks and just a fan. Oh the joys! Glad to say i moved ... Read more >

Baan Thai Cooking..i'm still stuffed!!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010 | Views [237] | Comments [5]

This morning was an early start for my Thai cookery course which was a full day thing where you get to go to the market, buy some fresh ingredients then cook about 7 dishes from 9 til 4pm. There was about 9 of us in the group so once we got picked up ... Read more >

Photos: Baan Thai Cooking

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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En Route to Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010 | Views [446] | Comments [3]

Been a bit slow on the update since i had no wifi for 14 hours unfortunately! But i have arrived in Chaing Mai after a fun journey on the sleeper train from Bangkok. I'll be honest i was a bit apprehensive about who i was going to be sleeping next to ... Read more >

Photos: En route to Chiang Mai

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010 | Flickr Photo Gallery

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Bangkok: No such thing as A to B

THAILAND | Saturday, 4 Sep 2010 | Views [460] | Comments [2]

So today was a bit of a right-off cos i ended up going out last night and hit the dancefloor til the early hours! It was a cool club with Moroccan decor and shisha pipes so i was right at home there. Met some people who are in Bangkok for different reasons ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, mbk, siam square, skytrain, tuk-tuk

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