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Round the World in 301 Days As long as we can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, well make it.

Full Circle.

USA | Sunday, 21 Dec 2008 | Views [487]

  Having just spent an amazing fortnight in New York its hard to imagine going home. It is made a lot easier, mind you, by the fact that im in the departures lounge of Newark Airport about to fly to Stockholm in the middle of an American snowstorm. It ... Read more >

Post Vegas

USA | Sunday, 7 Dec 2008 | Views [539] | Comments [3]

Youll notice that, despite my promises of frequent updates and my 'staying on top of it' attitude, ive been rubbish. In keeping with that, and until i find time and a thesaurus with enough alternatives for the word "magnificent", im just going ... Read more >

Gallery: USA USA USA

USA | Sunday, 9 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Aloha State of Mind

UNITED STATES OUTLYING ISLANDS | Sunday, 9 Nov 2008 | Views [559]

Hawaii, within the first hour of being here, was one of my favourite destinations yet.  Still a tad raw from the visceral dissapointment of Fiji, i had lowered my expectations of this, another tropical paradise, to such lows that had i been gunned down ... Read more >

Bula Bula!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [583]

Bula! Fiji is just like youd imagine Fiji to be.  The beaches are white and sandy, the trees are green and full of coconuts and the rain, which we enjoyed on a daily basis, was hot and wet.  Still, beacuse its Fiji, we didnt mind at all. Our time in ... Read more >

Gallery: Fiji

FIJI | Monday, 27 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Sun, Sea and 4x4 Action

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [642]

We have been busy over the past week.  I wrote last just before Jossan and i climbed aboard our 3 day catamaran cruise and i was dreading being trapped with 45 or so total animals on the high seas.  Maybe it was my low expectations, or maybe these were ... Read more >

Out on the Road Again

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Views [545] | Comments [2]

Unbelieveably, the time to leave Sydney has come and gone and im writing this from the poolside of a Cairns hotel.  Jo's sunbathing in bursts, trying to take advantage of the few rays of sun that are making it through the thick black storm clouds filling ... Read more >

A Month In The Life Of

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Views [609] | Comments [4]

Dear Diary, Its been a while.  Ill start with work – that being where ive spent most of my time for the last few weeks.  I was working for Goldman Sachs, an investment bank in the city center the last time I updated, but that assignment ... Read more >

Nothing Doing

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jul 2008 | Views [552] | Comments [2]

There is, as always, little from Sydney to report. Its all work and no play for now, but in 2 months we'll be back on the road.  While ive been working at my bank through the week ive been earning a little extra on the side as a tree surgeons assistant.... Read more >

Ticking Along...

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Views [578] | Comments [1]

Not alot to report from Sydney at the moment.   The Pope came to the city and brought 200,000 pilgrims with him.   The place has been a mad house with every hotel, hostel and train full to the top for the last 7 days, but they all go home tomorrow ... Read more >

Mr Trees, The Brazilian and The Investment Banker

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 8 Jul 2008 | Views [586] | Comments [3]

Success!!   After practically no effort at all ive been given a job i never expected working in an investment bank in the city center.   Ofcourse id rather be working outdoors and enjoying myself but the money in this role is too good to pass up so ... Read more >

More Work.

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 3 Jul 2008 | Views [549] | Comments [2]

The last time i wrote i had just started my new job and as im writing this in my apartment at 10am, i am clearly unemployed again.   I knew the job i had was only temporary and its probably just as well i got out of there when i did before the drunken ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 23 Jun 2008 | Views [553] | Comments [2]

Daily checking of the bank balance has proved to be all its taken to push me over the edge from being a backpacker whos worried about running out of money, to being a madman nervously chewing on the ends of my fingers muttering to myself about how its ... Read more >

Middle Earth

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 18 Jun 2008 | Views [736] | Comments [4]

New Zealand is the most beautiful country on earth.   With its endless snowcapped mountains and unspoiled countryside in every direction its easy to see why they chose to film Lord Of The Rings here for its otherworldly quality.   Its actually hard ... Read more >

Gallery: NZ

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 284 photos >>


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [1133] | Comments [2]

Careful what you wish for.   Having been driving for days and having not had a sniff of even a light beer, we hit the town running.   Little did i know that Jos friend, Linda, has the drinking constitution of the larger half of the Irish Rugby Team, ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [544]

Weve been to an Australian Football Game. This sport is what Australians live for.  It was pretty good fun, 66000 cheering madnen and women in full swing.  Lots of kicking, no throwing, and lots of scoring.  Weve been told we have to choose a team ... Read more >

Adelaide - the South East

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [559] | Comments [3]

In the last three days ive driven over three thousand kilometers.  10 hours of driving a day, three days straight with about a fifteen minute pause for lunch and an occasional two minute pause for some photo taking at one of the thousand sites of interest ... Read more >

Albany - 700km from Perth

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 May 2008 | Views [695] | Comments [1]

She runs like an absolute beauty!! Mighty White, or Pepper as Jo calls our brilliantly white car, is a real winner.  The only thing that had us worried was a warning tone that comes on every half hour or so signalling that theres a fault with the airbags ... Read more >

On The Road - at last...

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [643] | Comments [1]

For a week now Jo and i have been feverishly searching for a suitable car to take us on our cross country voyage.   We've looked in newspaper after newspaper, searched websites, and taken dozens of numbers off of all the backpacker notice boards weve ... Read more >

Gallery: Ozdralia

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 5 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 364 photos >>

In the Ghetto

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 4 May 2008 | Views [858] | Comments [6]

Well, ive been getting lazy with this diary thing i can see now, and its time for a nice big update to get me back on track! We spent a few more days on the Gili Islands and enjoyed plenty of sun, too much sea, and what felt like sand absolutely everywhere ... Read more >

Gallery: Indonesia

INDONESIA | Saturday, 19 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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In In Donesia

INDONESIA | Friday, 18 Apr 2008 | Views [2987] | Comments [5]

Having opted to book our accomodation online while in Thailand we avoided the hassle of finding a decent place to stay when we arrived here in Bali, and our hotel came with the added bonus of an airport transfer to make things even easier.  A great place ... Read more >

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