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The Big O.E An epic adventure across the world, backpacker style :)


There are [0] photos and [49] stories tagged with "Adventures".


ITALY | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Views [788]

Venice on a winter's night is a misty moonlit maze. Thanks to James and his map skills, we negotiated our way to Rialto Bridge and the warm room that was waiting for us, with a canal view to boot. We continued the walking theme of our trip, and took ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ITALY | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Views [1654]

After a very early wake up call in Florence, we set out for Cinque Terre on the 7am train. This is a gorgeous National Park in the North of Italy's Western coast. There are five tiny old villages in between the hills which are only connected by train.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Bonne Annee!

FRANCE | Friday, 25 Jan 2008 | Views [1202]

Happy New Year! I would like to point out that I am still in my mid-twenties, and the same can no longer be said for my 27 year old husband (although he argues otherwise!) We've finally got a bit of a routine going in France. It's wonderful to have ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

C'est beau la vie

MONACO | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2007 | Views [1027]

The last few weeks have brought us lots of good times and a few crappy times. The good times include: ** a great weekend away in a wee town near Le Val in the Var. We went to stay with Tali (a Swede/American) who's having a stint as a primary school ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Film star in Cannes

FRANCE | Sunday, 18 Nov 2007 | Views [1637] | Comments [1]

Which is more expensive? Plain toilet paper or Aloe Vera toilet paper? Sugar or sugar cubes made into pretty shapes? Washing powder or washing powder made into cubes and wrapped in foil? Nutella or honey? Pork chops or mince? Water or wine? A five ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


FRANCE | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [8489] | Comments [4]

La Croisette, Rue d'Antibes, sandy beaches, film festival...Of all the places we could have been posted in France :) For the next six months we're based here in our own apartment. Not living out of a back pack! Cooking our own food! We're both working ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

It's nice in Nice

FRANCE | Tuesday, 23 Oct 2007 | Views [991]

To tell the truth, I can't remember any of the plane trip to get here. All I remember is arriving at Nice airport, completely wiped out and exhausted from travelling round England with shingles. And we had yet to deal with the daunting tasks of a) getting ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Yorkshire to London

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [792]

“I’m not normally a gambling man, but I’m willing to put money on the fact that you’ve got shingles” the Doctor said as he examined Catherine’s persistent ‘stinging nettle rash’ Hmmm. That would go some way to explaining the why it has failed to disappear ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Wicked in Wigan

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 10 Oct 2007 | Views [1114]

In our cute wee tinny car, we buzzed on up to Wigan from Swindon. It was our first encounter with the M6. Hopefully we'll never use that beast again! I'm extremely glad that it was James driving and not me. When we finally arrived at my cousin Paul's ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Harry Potter and the magic roundabout

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 29 Sep 2007 | Views [3892]

If you are a Kiwi travelling to the UK, it is seriously worth signing up to the NZ Historic Places trust before you go ( www.historic.org.nz ). For around $50 for a family membership it will get you into all the National Trust (NT) places (and some of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Bubble domes and pasties

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 25 Sep 2007 | Views [2743]

Our two month stint as a dynamic catering duo finally came to an end and we said goodbye to the Isle of Wight... for now anyway. Our plan for the next fortnight before we flew out to France, was to catch up with all our relatives that are scattered across ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Visas de Long Sejour Type B

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 6 Sep 2007 | Views [1682] | Comments [1]

So we got them!!! Despite all the tubes being shut in London, despite having to leave the house at 6.45am, despite having to queue up on the cold windy streets of London for two hours, we got the damn visas! Yay for us! We are completely stoked. After ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Home Sweet Home

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Aug 2007 | Views [1336]

So we've finally chosen a place to live in Cannes! I've put a wee pic of the kitchen, and you can see other ones at http://www.ownersdirect.co.uk/france/fr2406.htm It's so cute! Took a long time to decide against saving a bit more money and living ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Living the High Life on the Isle of Wight

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 13 Aug 2007 | Views [1238]

After a month the novelty of working in surroundings that are straight out of Pride and Prejudice, where money is no issue, has not worn off. Stuff is always happening and things are always changing. Now we don't even bat an eyelid when, as we are dishing ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Groovy baby yeah!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2007 | Views [851] | Comments [1]

First time in England for me - very exciting. Stayed with James' aunt, uncle and cousins. It was so wonderful having hot showers, clean rooms, free internet and healthy food!!!! Not to mention good company. His aunt Lou was fantastic at telling us places ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


FRANCE | Tuesday, 26 Jun 2007 | Views [1095]

What a marvellous time! What a fantastic city! After Asia, how European! How expensive!! So good thing we heard about couch surfing. That's where you email strangers on the couch surfing website and ask to sleep on their couch for free. The first guy ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Macau: More Money than Sense

MACAU | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2007 | Views [872]

We watch transfixed as a normal looking Chinese man exchanges $100,000 for 10 chips, then proceeds to loose said chips in the space of 5 minutes. Without showing any emotion, he reaches into his wallet again... Last year in Macau, more money crossed ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Views [887]

We are living in luxury at Uncle Hamish's place in central Hong Kong . Today he was our tour guide. Despite the pouring rain, we had lunch in a HK noodle shop (the food here is WAY yummier than Vietnam), went to the movies - Ocean's 13, shopped in ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


VIETNAM | Monday, 18 Jun 2007 | Views [894]

Crazy crazy. Hanoi feels like China. The streets still have the mental Vietnamese traffic, but the shops sell Chinese medicine and the people look more Chinese. We enjoyed the cute water puppets and the Chinese style buildings and temples. We enjoyed ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Prison Train to Hanoi

VIETNAM | Sunday, 17 Jun 2007 | Views [2332] | Comments [2]

The train to Hanoi was booked out, but we managed to wangle tickets at the last minute. Not a soft sleeper like we planned, or even a hard sleeper. Not even a soft seat for that matter. A hard seat (translation: skinny wooden bench 50cms wide). As the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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