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The Big O.E An epic adventure across the world, backpacker style :)


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VIETNAM | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [2213] | Comments [5]

We've been so lucky with all the people we've met and trusted on this trip. Our luck ran out this morning. Seriously. Can you even imagine a crazy knife-weilding Vietnamese dude with his top lip cut off wearing a communist soldier's hat? He even ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Hue to Go

VIETNAM | Sunday, 3 Jun 2007 | Views [943]

After talking to other travellers who said that Hue,the capital of Vietnam before Hanoi, didn't have a huge amount to offer. As such, we gave ourselves a day to 'do Hue'. After nabbing ourselves a 'penthouse suite' with killer views right across the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Sick of shopping - go diving!

VIETNAM | Saturday, 2 Jun 2007 | Views [1021]

I find buying ready made clothes stressful enough, so after three days of dealing with tailors and making clothes from scratch, I was at breaking point and left Cat to it. Fortunately, the nearby Cham Islands promised some underwater treats to take my ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Tailor Made

VIETNAM | Friday, 1 Jun 2007 | Views [1348]

This is me with the clothes we got made in Hoi An. I would like to point out that they're not all for me, but also for my mum and dad and sister and husband. So it's not really as bad as it looks :) After the stress of choosing a great tailor with ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Good Morning Vietnam!

VIETNAM | Thursday, 31 May 2007 | Views [4137] | Comments [1]

Typically Vietnam: a teenage girl biking down the street in a white ai do (long, tight fitting dress with side splits to the waist and trousers underneath). Not a very practical school uniform, but it looks beautiful. 5 people on one motorbike with ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

In Sickness and in Health

VIETNAM | Thursday, 31 May 2007 | Views [844]

We've been on the move since Christmas and it all finally caught up with us. James was sick for a few days in Ho Chi Minh and once he got better, I got sick in Dalat. We're fine now, but it made for a pretty scratchy, grouchy, tired kind of week. ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Off the beaten track - Dalat to Hoi An

VIETNAM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [3070]

The open bus system in Vietnam makes it too easy and get locked into the tourist route. After spending the last 5 days on the back of a motorbike exploring the central highlands and the Ho Chi Minh trail, I'm so glad we resisted the temptation to take ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

War Remnants Museum

VIETNAM | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [4783]

So this is me squeezing in to a tiny hole at the Cu Chi tunnels. You can see that the tunnels weren't built for tall white girls, but for tiny little 45kg Vietnamese soldiers. Unbelievably, they managed to survive underground all day for years, and the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


CAMBODIA | Saturday, 26 May 2007 | Views [6600] | Comments [1]

Think of the most smelly, dirty place you've ever been. Then add razor wire through the rubbish and add 160 kids. This was the orphanage we visited in Phnom Penh. Pretty grim. It was amazing to talk to the kids who have made it to high school in these ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

A City of Extremes

CAMBODIA | Monday, 21 May 2007 | Views [1128]

Every country that we have visited so far has celebrated a public holiday while we have been there. Cambodia was no different. This time it was the King's Birthday. The King was only crowned three years ago, but judging by the huge crowds that collected ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Absolutely Awestruck in Angkor

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Views [2784]

Goodbye Laos...Hello Cambodia! First stop was the poorly advertised but very interactive War Museum. Rows and rows of old tanks, artillery and other combat vehicles and weapons were laid out surrounded by huts with smaller arms and information. The ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


CAMBODIA | Monday, 14 May 2007 | Views [903]

Cambodia gives you lots of things to process. It reminds me of India, but I think that having experienced a bit more of the world, we are a little more able to make sense of what we're seeing. Sometimes I am just awed by the beauty here, like at the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

You might need a tuk tuk

CAMBODIA | Monday, 14 May 2007 | Views [6357] | Comments [1]

You know what a tuk tuk is? A little trailer like thing with seats pulled along by a motorbike. They can be very handy for taking you to a temple a few kms away. And they are very handy for employing lots of local people. I counted 6,000 drivers in Siem ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Bad Hair Day

LAOS | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [7994]

All I asked was where we could get a hair cut.... Let's just say that was a VERY BAD move. The lady at our guest house phoned someone, and we were warned not to pay more than $2 USD each. I should have known that no one could do a good hair cut for ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Let's get physical

LAOS | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [1033]

Right, enough of living the good life of suptuous French/Lao fusion cusine and sprawling in our bargain boutique guest house. It was high time to go exploring and lose some of those pesky surplus calories that had hitched a ride. After grabbing a couple ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

6 months on a leaky boat...

LAOS | Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Views [999]

We managed to catch up with Sean and Adrienne from university in NZ in Chiang Kong (Northern Thailand). It was great to see them and hear their travel stories (and sample their delicious apple vodka from Indonesia). We crossed the border to Laos with ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Living like the locals - hilltribe trek

THAILAND | Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Views [1081] | Comments [1]

After a rustic night at a homestay in a wee village outside Chiang Rai (complete with a traditional Thai music performance from the kids at the local high school), we were off into the mountains with our lovely (read frustrating) group. James and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Views [824]

Continuing with the mass tourist route, we did some really touristy things, unfortunately. We spent most of the 12 day "Intrepid" tour trying not to be mainstream 'tourists' and dying to get off the very well beaten tourist track. Think of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

A Life for Every Sleeper

THAILAND | Sunday, 29 Apr 2007 | Views [933] | Comments [1]

In 1942 Japanese and Koreans were the bain of the local and POW population as they attempted to do the near impossible and construct a 415 km railroad from Burma to Thailand via the infamous River Kwai and Hellfire Pass in just over a year. The end result, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Songkran Madness!

THAILAND | Saturday, 21 Apr 2007 | Views [2261]

Songkran - Thai New Year. Every April, throw water on all moving things, rub mud on people's faces. We have been lucky enough to experience this festival several times. Khao Lak - April 13. The whole water throwing beside the beach party. Bangkok ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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