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The Big O.E An epic adventure across the world, backpacker style :)


There are [0] photos and [49] stories tagged with "Adventures".

Unforgettable Andaman Safari

THAILAND | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [1239] | Comments [2]

Despite having a very uncertain future, it is not all doom and gloom for Koh Phi Phi. Phi Phi Don is the main island, which has the vast majority of the issues. Phi Phi Lei to the south is basically uninhabited, as it is a national park and gathering ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


THAILAND | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [883]

Saw them! Absolutely incredible. Being underwater in beautiful, warm, clear water and having these enormous, graceful rays swim right up to us - indescribable. I know James will say more, but all the rockiness on the boat, 5 days and 4 nights not setting ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Koh Phi Phi

THAILAND | Saturday, 7 Apr 2007 | Views [864]

Arrived to this famous island and was horrified. I was angry at the thoughtless tourists who wandered around the town in tiny little bikinis. How little respect can you have for other people's cultural norms? How hard is it to throw a sarong over ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


INDIA | Friday, 23 Mar 2007 | Views [816]

It's not every day you get to see a dead body being burnt before breakfast... Walking along beside the ganges is soooo India - you could not possibly be anywhere else in the world and get this combination of noise, heat, smells, religion, dress. ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Crown of Palaces

INDIA | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Views [3603]

The Crown of Palaces - a literal translation for the term that the Brits gave to the monument that they called the Taj Mahal (easier to say and remember than the original long and hard to pronounce Hindi name). We scored a hotel spitting distance from ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

The Pink City?

INDIA | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Views [829]

Apparently Jaipur is the Pink City... If pink is the new orange then I suppose I can see how this would work. Our Hotel was a tidy old stately home setup with a big garden and doors which can be locked from the outside without a key as Catherine found ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Forgotten Octopussy

INDIA | Saturday, 17 Mar 2007 | Views [8073] | Comments [4]

Charging around the countryside as we have, the artisan haven of Udaipur seems to have gotten left behind... and we have broadband and photos online! Labelled "The city of Love", Udaipur does possess the odd romantic location or two. Try the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

What Goes on Indian Roads

INDIA | Monday, 12 Mar 2007 | Views [2071] | Comments [1]

So to date, we have seen and driven among the following things on the tiny little smelly dirty noisy hazardous roads of India: cars goats buses cows cycles camels auto-rickshaws tuk tuks cycle-rickshaws dogs trucks holy men scooters beggars ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Blow your mind

INDIA | Wednesday, 7 Mar 2007 | Views [887]

Holy cow!! Absolutely incredible. Just love this place and its craziness. Arrived to near death taxi ride - crazy overtaking on both sides of the road, horns blasting everywhere. Seems to be that loudest horn gets right of way. Not surprising that every ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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