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kiting, diving, trippin' I ain't never been lost, just confused for a few days - Daniel Boone


There are [83] photos and [12] stories about Japan

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Gallery: Ball game in Fukuoka & Kumamoto

Sunday, 30 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Castles, Ball Games, Bike Rallies and Volcanoes

Sunday, 30 Aug 2009 | Views [2127]

Last weekend I got invited to to go along to a Baseball game between Japan's top two teams in Fukuoka. Why not? Never been to a ball game, and was not disappointed. Only knowing the most basic of the rules, I sat up there behind the guy who catches the ... Read more >

Tags: bikes, castles, games, volcanoes

Gallery: Kokura, Shimonoseki

Sunday, 16 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Taking in some Kitakyushu sights

Sunday, 16 Aug 2009 | Views [1625]

Kita is north in Japanese, and Kyushu is the southernmost of the main islands in Japan. Kitakyushu is the main city in the north of Fukuoka prefecture at the northern end of the island. A couple of weeks ago two of us went for a train ride out to ... Read more >

Tags: fish, islands, space

Gallery: Kokura

Sunday, 19 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Summer Festival weekend
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Kokura Gion Taiko 2009

Sunday, 19 Jul 2009 | Views [1548] | Comments [1] | Video

The Japanese call Kokura the "Lucky City". Apparently the pilot of the B29 with the second atomic bomb "Fat Man" was told to only drop it if he had clear skies and could see the target. Despite three runs at the target the cloud held ... Read more >

Tags: drums, festivals

Japanese Oktoberfest

Thursday, 9 Oct 2008 | Views [2257]

Four of us finished work and got into Fukuoka for the night. We did the usual walk around to see what there was to see, found a pub, another good restaurant, found another pub, and called it a night. Next day there were only two. The two Japanese guys ... Read more >

Tags: oktoberfest

Gallery: Oktoberfest, Fukuoka style

Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Miajima Shrine & Kuju Highlands daytrips

Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Views [1672]

Tacked on to the end of the Hiroshima trip we got a ferry across to the Miajima (I hope I spelt that right) Shrine. It's a very popular, and famous shrine in Japan because the gate is in the sea and the temple is built on platforms on sandflats that ... Read more >

Tags: bridge, eating, shrine, vending machine, waterfall

Gallery: Japanese sights

Monday, 29 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Yet another memorial to madness

Sunday, 21 Sep 2008 | Views [984] | Comments [4]

Hiroshima is well known as the city where the first Atomic bomb was dropped but it isn't until you visit the site and see some of the preserved ruins that you can get a real feel for what these people went through. Listening to the Last Post ... Read more >

Tags: a bomb, memorial, war

The people who fold in half ....

Wednesday, 17 Sep 2008 | Views [1155]

I didn't know what to expect here in Japan. But I didn't really think the streets would be so clean, the cars so small and people constantly folding in half. These guys are constantly bowing in greeting, farewell or just for the hell of it. Everyone ... Read more >

Tags: culture, language, people, work

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