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kiting, diving, trippin' I ain't never been lost, just confused for a few days - Daniel Boone

Trip: Working through North Asia

There are [4] stories from my trip: Working through North Asia

Melaka Day Trip

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 24 May 2009 | Views [2162]

Found it Dad. 'North up the coast from Melaka 20 -30 minutes'. How hard could that be? Not that easy when it's your first time here and the instructions are fifty years old. All that is there now is a huge Petronas (State fuel company) facility, a ... Read more >

This is one of those 'Don't try this at home' situations.

CHINA | Sunday, 11 Jan 2009 | Views [1812] | Comments [1]

Five guys walk in to a hospital with an empty baijiu (local firewater - 'white wine') bottle and ask for it to be filled with pure alcohol. Back to the beginning; We set off from Chang Shan Hao gold mine at around 8:00 AM in -20 or so weather in ... Read more >

Tags: china, cold, driving, laughs

Northern Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [812]

Work is taking me all over North Asia now and this time I needed a visa instead of an Alien's travel permit. First stop was a gold mine an hour and a half north of Ulaan Baatar where I had a couple of days working with some local guys. Mongol is one ... Read more >

Tags: culture, work

Gallery: Northern Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

Boro Gold & Erdenet Copper
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