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kiting, diving, trippin' I ain't never been lost, just confused for a few days - Daniel Boone

Trip: Trans Mongolian / Gallipoli

There are [21] stories from my trip: Trans Mongolian / Gallipoli

Gallery: Anzac Day, Gallipoli

TURKEY | Thursday, 26 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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ANZAC Day, Gallipoli 2007

TURKEY | Thursday, 26 Apr 2007 | Views [5954] | Comments [5]

A morning and day that is hard to put into words ........       Moving. Enlightening. Emotional. Shocking. Proud to be Australian. Eye opening.   Every Aussie and Kiwi should do the trip if they have half the ... Read more >

Tags: culture

Gallery: Anatolia, Turkey

TURKEY | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Fairy Chimneys, Calcium Cascades and Ancient Ruins

TURKEY | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2007 | Views [19193] | Comments [4]

When you book a trip with Turkish travel agents you either get a full and comprehensive itinerary or an extra healthy sense of humour! One agent gets you from one town to another agents' area and the second agent gives you the tickets to get to the next ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing

Istanbul sıghts and sounds

TURKEY | Thursday, 19 Apr 2007 | Views [2518] | Comments [1]

I was told back ın London, that unrelıble source, that at any one tıme a Londoner ıs no mre than 50m from a rat. Whıle I dıdn't see any I belıeve ıt but ın Istanbul the average Joe ın thıs cıty would probably be no more than 20m from a cat! They are ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Istanbul .. The cıty of Cats

TURKEY | Thursday, 19 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: UK ın the Sun

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 19 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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You´re ın London .... smıle for the cameras.

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 17 Apr 2007 | Views [1420] | Comments [3]

The one thıng that stıcks ın my mınd about London, apart from pubs ın the most unlıkely places and Poms burnıng ın the park ın 22deg, are the number of cameras ın the London Central area. I was told, by an unrelıable source, that the average Londoner ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine

Gallery: The Last Long Train Ride

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 9 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Last Leg of Trans Mongolian

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Sunday, 8 Apr 2007 | Views [1341] | Comments [1]

Three days and four nights on the train from Irkutsk to Moscow......and didn't I need a decent shower!! The trains only have a toilet with enough room to move around to have a towel bath and splash a bit of water around. Not quite the same. I got to ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Richie Cunningham drives a Marshrutky in Western Siberia

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Sunday, 1 Apr 2007 | Views [8428] | Comments [2]

I decided on a trip to Listvyanka and a run on the Dog sledding out that way somewhere. Just got to find it now. I caught the tram out to the bus station then a marshrutky ( minivan travelling a set route) to Listvyanka. The trams are the really old ... Read more >

Tags: the great outdoors

Gallery: Siberia

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Sunday, 1 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Ulaan Baatar to Irkutsk

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 26 Mar 2007 | Views [1388] | Comments [1]

Talk about the slow way to go, got it in one this time. The train I took delivers the mail all the way from the Mongolian capital to Ulan Ude in Russia. We pulled out of Ulaan Baatar about 7:30 PM on the Friday night. There were stops in the middle of ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: Ulaan Baatar

MONGOLIA | Friday, 23 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

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The City of Banks and Car Alarms

MONGOLIA | Thursday, 22 Mar 2007 | Views [1158] | Comments [2]

Last day in Ulaan Baatar and we wake up to snow. I looked out the window this morning about 2 or 3 and thought it was bugs flying around a light. Stop laughing! I AM from Queensland, remember. Well it wasn't falling straight down it was just blowing ... Read more >

Tags: culture

Gallery: Terelj National Park, Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Train K23 Beijing to Ulaan Baatar

MONGOLIA | Wednesday, 21 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Trans Mongolian Rail
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Terelj National Park, Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Tuesday, 20 Mar 2007 | Views [1422] | Comments [2]

Can't believe the comments.  tsk  tsk   The title photo on this article(when I find an internt connection that I can download photos from) is of the ger (rhymes with bear) that we stayed in in the Terelj National Park. There was about 12 of us travellers ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Beijing to Ulaan Baatar

MONGOLIA | Sunday, 18 Mar 2007 | Views [2787] | Comments [5]

Well I got myself to Beijing Railway Station nice and early and took my place amongst the 100 or so sleeping in the train hall. At around 6:30 a little guy came through with a loudspeaker and woke everyone up and made us stand, no sitting. He even spoke ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: Beijing , China

CHINA | Tuesday, 13 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Walls and more walls
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